* - _Twenty_ - *

3.1K 129 67

*Warning; Swearing*

EwItsMeFinn to Unknown Number

EwItsMeFinn; hey, this macy?

Unknown Number; Finn?

EwItsMeFinn; yeah hey

Unknown Number changed Unknown Number to PrettyMacy

PrettyMacy; Im so sorry

PrettyMacy; i just eh u'know a little rude when it comes to boys im not so good with them understand?

EwItsMeFinn; hey no worries im glad I'm now talking to u now

PrettyMacy; thanks for calling me beautiful that day

EwItsMeFinn; Well u are ;)

PrettyMacy; don't make me blush!

PrettyMacy; haha

EwItsMeFinn; wh00ps sorry

EwItsMeFinn; hold on Jack is texting me

EwItsMeFinn; Brb

PrettyMacy deleted a message

PrettyMacy; oh okay

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