* - _Eighteen_ - *

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*Warning; Swearing*

Gaten to Celeb

GoatGaten; the fuk man

RoastedCeleb; don't ever say man to me again and what?

RoastedCeleb; and stop changing my nickname

RoastedCeleb changed RoastedCeleb to ClearlyCeleb

GoatGaten; u gave Finn that girls number i thought were joking when u said u had the no.

ClearlyCeleb; dude she asked and asked she wouldn't leave me alone

ClearlyCeleb; she looks like a bimbo anyways

GoatGaten; rip Finn

GoatGaten; he better not go out with her or u is a big fuck up

GaotGaten; I ship #FACK

ClearlyCeleb; fack?

GoatGaten; omfg

GoatGaten; Finn + Jack = fack

ClearlyCeleb; uh okay

GoatGaten; Im telling Jeremy this shit

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