* - _ Twelve_ - *

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*Warning; Swearing*

Jack to Millie

Jack; hey millie

Millie; hii

Jack; so Finn may of let something slip to me

Millie; omfg he told you about me hurting him with a pencil and ur getting me into trubs for it?!?

Jack; yeah that too


Millie; aww ok and that too?

Jack; u like someone

Millie; omg

Millie; omfg omfg im going to kill him

Jack; I said not to hurt hm :/

Jack; don't worry im going to help u

Millie; ur going to help me get sophia?!

Jack; yeah im pretty sure u too will look cute together

Millie; omfg thank u so much

Jack; np and u say omfg to much

Millie; omg sorry!

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