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Finn was waiting outside Starbucks, he was just standing there calmly. He chose to wear a red t-shirt and black jeans with a leather coat, he knew it was boiling right now but being for once 'smart' he checked the forecast.

And oh boy, it was gonna get cold soon.

Okay I lied Finn was freaking out, he was about to ask his crush out. Finn really likes Jack like; really really likes him. Finn had no intention of ever hurting Jack's feeling, never

Finn kept a straight face though, he didn't want to embarrass himself so he decided on freaking out on the inside

Jack wouldn't see it that way

"I'm really stupid" Finn whispered to himself

"How so?" A soft voice asked

Finn jumped, startled from the sudden voice. He turned his view to face Jack.

"your small" Finn said looking Jack up and down he was wearing a pair or ripped blue skinny jeans and a pink jumper.

"Am not!" Jack raised his voice turning red kicking Finn's leg

"Ouch, okay okay I won't say it again but you are small!" Finn put his hands up in surrender

They both stare at each other for a little bit.

"Soo, Starbucks then?" Finn coughed

Jack nodded his head, they both entered

After ordering and finding a booth to sit in

Jack causally sips on his drink

"I wanted to also go to the park not so far from here" Finn stated lightly

Jack sets his cup down and looked at Finn "the forest looking one or the kid park"

"Forest one, I saw a nice looking place while I was in there the other day. I think you'll like it" Finn smirked

"I guess I'll have to be there to really agree" Jack smiles widely with a little chuckle

"Rude!" Finn states

"Sure" Jack replies with an eye roll


"I wish I brought my jacket with me, its hella cold" Jack complied quietly.

Finn's mood lighted up, he quickly took off his jacket. "Here, mines will do"

Jack looked up at Finn "but won't you be cold?" Finn shook his head and handed Jack his jacket.

"Thanks" muttered a blushing Jack .

"It was my pleasure, princess" Finn put his arm around Jack's shoulder

Jack shivers "every time you call me that makes me wanna puke"

"Well, your gonna have to get use to it" Finn laughed "Princess"

"Shush, you rat"

"That is mean"

Jack shook his head. Finn pulled them both to a stop. "This is it"

Jack looked around in awe around him. The space on the ground was bare with different coloured flowers and grass the trees surrounding them looked new and had an lovely orange tint to the leaves.

"Its pretty" Jack said to Finn "I guess I have to choice to agree now"

But Jack didn't forget to notice the blanket that lay on the ground.

Finn smiled big "see! I told you"

Finn was proud of himself he knew that Jack would like this area, he didn't spend all night running around the forest looking for a place like this.

Finn took Jack hand dragging him down to the blanket "When did you bring this out here" Jack asked sitting down.

"Y'know.." Finn waved it off

"I don't" Jack said plainly

Finn put a finger onto Jack's lips "shhh"

Jack started laughing soon Finn joined in


It was starting to get late the both of them had spend so much time sitting and talking about random things.

But Finn did keep getting messages by the others, I believe so that you know what they were asking.

They were walking back now, but Finn didn't forget to pick up a bundle of roses that lay behind one of the trees. He came prepared, he had set them there earlier that day he was relieved they didn't die during the time or the plan he had set up to ask Jack up would've went to shit.

Jack was ahead of them as he slowly walked behind, he couldn't keep freaking out inside anymore. He was sweating.

I mean look who he was trying to find courage to ask out.

Jack Dylan Grazer.

Finn sighed keeping it all in, he was ready.



The words stopped when Jack turned around to face Finn standing there with roses.

Finn rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand "uhm, well"

"I've liked you for a very long time and well, shit I suck at this but I think your really cool" Finn looked down.

'Cool' is that the best he could come up with!

Finn's face turned pink with embarrassment, that was the one thing he didn't want to happen today; embarrass himself.

Jack giggled a little Finn looked up shocked, he laughed at him!

"I think your pretty cool too" Jack smiled taking the flowers from Finn

Finn smiles too.

"So you wouldn't mind, ya know.." Finn stopped trying to find the right words but Jack beat him to it.

"Go out with you?" Jack asked camly

Finn nodded shyly.

"of course"

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