* - _Forty-Six_ - *

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*Warning; Swearing*

ollybesmokimg has sent dm to noahschnapp

ollybesmoking; hey 🙃

noahschapp has accepted you request

noahschnapp; hi 😊

ollybesmokimg; sorry if im being weird or something

ollybesmokimg; but your pretty cute

noahschapp; awh i don't think its weird

noahschapp; but your quite charming

ollybesmoking; godness glad I didn't come off strange

noahschapp; how can you come off strange saying someone looks cute

ollybesmokimg; lets say who I've told before said I sound like a freak

ollybesmoking; then I ended up saying 'You sound like a freak*'

noahschapp; sounds like something Wyatt would do

ollybesmoking; Wyatt?

noahschapp; my friend he is a total grammar nazi

noahschapp; we love having him around to correct us lol

ollybesmoking; haha you wouldn't mind having an other grammar nazi would you?

noahchapp; ofc not! I'll add you in!

ollybesmoking; cool thanks

noahschapp; np hotstuff

ollybesmoking; 😳😳

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