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~Hunters POV~

I came down stairs after my shower and fed hitch. I went upstairs to check on maryann and Rachel. Rachel was sitting up in her bed so I carried her down stairs and let her play with her toys. I went and changed the sheets on her bed and brought her blankie downstairs. I heard a faint cry from upstairs so I went straight to my room. I pulled maryann into my arm and she stood there and held me as tight as possible. We went downstairs and sat on the couch. When I saw Rachel I couldn't help but laugh. So didn't sleep in pjs and I guess she learned to get her pull-up off because she had it on her head. MaryAnn snuggled into my side and I had Rachel come over to me. I told her we needed to put a pull-up on her but she wouldn't let me so I just let her play like she was. Maryann went and got dressed and I got Rachel dressed because we were going to get Rachel a surprise today. After we got dressed we went to target. We went to the baby clothes and picked Rachel out some underwear. She got some with Dora on them. We checked out and went back home. I undressed her and put a pair on her. She ran around and played for a bout an hour and a half then I made some lunch. After lunch she started grabbing her self and I asked if she needed to potty and she said no. I went upstairs and got her potty. I put it down and she started to cry. She was standing in the kitchen in a puddle on the floor. I picked her up and took her upstairs. I put some clean underwear on her and got on to her. I told her that if she needed to potty when I asked her I would have taken her and that she is going to sit in her bed for timeout since she went in the floor instead of the potty. I set her in her bed and she smashed her face in the sheets and cried. I sparred her leg and told her to stop. She cried louder so I got up and shut the door. I went back down stairs and sat on the couch with maryann. I pulled her into my lap and she cuddled up against me. I kissed her cheek and held her. About 5 minutes later Rachel started beating on the door screaming. I got maryann off my lap and went upstairs. I opened the door and spank Rachel on the bottom and told her to stop. I put her back in her bed and told her to stay there. She put her face in the sheets and cried again. I shut the door and went back to maryann. I pulled her back into my lap. She snuggled against me and fell asleep. Rachel started to beat the door again so I had to put maryann on the couch. I spanked Rachel on her bottom again and pulled the rails on her bed up. I told her as long as she's crying and breathing the door she is staying in there. I went and laid on the couch and pulled maryann up and put her head on my chest. I put my arms around her and held her. My phone rang when I was almost asleep. I grabbed it and it was my dad!!! I answered. He told me he's so sorry and he was crying. I asked him what he meant and all he said was I'm sorry and I love you. He said I'll love you forever and always and he hung up. I don't understand why he kept saying I'm sorry. Maryann woke up and asked who that was. I told her it was my dad and I to her what he said. A tear rolled down my cheek and maryann wiped it off and kissed me. I sat up and cried. She held on to me and told me everything was ok. She kept wiping tears from my face, but I just kept crying. She kissed me and then I remembered Rachel upstairs. I ran up to her and maryann followed me and I picked Rachel up and held her tight. I started to cry again. I explained to Rachel about what dad said and she started to cry. I held her tight as ever and I started to cry again. Maryann held on to me and Rachel. I put Rachel on her potty and sat there with her. I leaned up against the cabinet and cried. Rachel sat on her potty and cried. She used her potty and jumped off onto my lap. I held her and she cried. I felt her tears soak through my shirt and I stood up and carried my baby sister down stairs. I put her in a diaper instead if a pull-up and she sat on my lap. I laid on the couch and maryann sat on my chest and leaned down and kissed me. I kissed Rachel and she laid down on me. My phone rang again, but I didn't want to answer it. Maryann pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the number. She said it was my dad. I didn't want to talk to him. She answer and asked what he wanted. He said he needs to talk to me. She handed me the phone and I asked what he wanted. He said they wont be coming back to LA for a while. I hung up on him and threw my phone at the wall. I pushed Rachel off of me and ran out of the apartment. Maryann yelled my name but I didn't care. I didn't even bother getting the keys to Victoria. I just ran and walked, ran and walked.

~Maryann's POV~

Hunters dad called and he talked to him and threw his phone at the wall. He pushed Rachel off of h and ran out of the apartment. I picked up the crying Rachel and told her everything was ok. I grabbed the keys to Victoria and put Rachel in the car. We drove around until we found Hunter. I made him get in the car. We drove home and I got Rachel out of the car.

~Hunters POV~

Maryann and Rachel found me and made me come home. Maryann drove us home and I stormed to the couch. Maryann was carrying Rachel and I reached for her but she backed up against maryann and yelled no. Now my little sister hates me. Maryann put her in her bouncy chair and sat down with me. She put her hand on my cheek and kissed me. I kissed back. I pulled away and went over to Rachel. I went to pick her up and she screamed. I squatted down to her level and told her I didn't mean to push her off and that I was just mad. She reached for me and I hugged her so tight. I told her I was sorry I hurt her. I kissed he cheek and went over and kissed maryann. We all went up to my room. I put Rachel in between me and maryann and tues on the tv. Rachel fell asleep and I put her in her bed. After I laid back down Maryann cuddled up to me and I wrapped my arms around her. She was as close to me as possible and we fell asleep like that. When we woke up Rachel was still asleep and me and maryann are talking about moving to a house with a back yard so we can get Rachel a pool and a swing set. Do you want to move to a house Maryann ? my dads left us bunches of money since I have to raise Rachel. I don't mind baby it's what ever you want to do. I just want to be with you. After a little while we decided to move out of the apartment to a house.

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