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~Hunters POV~

We got up at 8 and Katie stayed with Joseph and Phoenix. We got to the air port and a flight attendant brought the twins to us. They were both crying. Maryann kneeled down and they ran into her arms. She picked them up and walked with them until they stopped crying. Neither if them wanted me so I carried their suitcases and diaper bag. We put them in the car and drove home. Ryder let me get him out. I got suitcases and the diaper bag. We all went inside and Phoenix ran to me. He realized I was carrying Ryder and he backed off. I put Ryder down with Kylie and they went over to the corner of the room and sat with their blankies together. Maryann went over to them and they reached for her. She sat down on the couch and they ran and pulled themselves up onto the couch. They snuggled into her sides. Katie came out and Ryder ran to her. She picked him up and kissed his cheek. When maryann lived in jonesboro and Katie did to the twins went to Maryann's house and always seen Katie. They love her. The only reason Kylie didn't run to her is because she is asleep. Maryann pulled her up and got up. She laid her on the couch and put a pull-up on her. She picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. The kids with be sleeping in their pack and play play pin. Maryann put Kylie in our bed and set up the play pin. She put pillows around her and shut the door. Ryder fell asleep on Katie and I picked him up and put h in our bed by Kylie. I started the grill to cook and Phoenix came up. He was carrying his potty so I knew what he wanted. I put the potty down and stood him on it. He watched me start the fire in the grill and I let him season the grate. He jumped down and ran back inside. I went inside and Joseph was whining. I picked him up and fed him. I burped him and put him in his crib. I turned on the baby monitor and put the other one on my belt. I went and checked on Kylie and Ryder. They where starting to wake up. I slowly opened the door and walked over to the bed. Kylie smiled at me and reached for me. I picked her up and she hugged me. Ryder reached for me and I picked him up. Kylie is potty trained and we are trying to potty train Ryder. Kylie wiggled down and went to our bathroom. I went in there and she climbed onto the toilet. I put Ryder down and told him we should try to potty like sissy. He said no and started to whine. I took his shorts off and unstrapped his diaper. I set him on the baby potty and he started to cry. I got his blanket off the bed and handed it too him. I took his shirt off because he was really hot. Kylie was reaching for the toilet paper and I gave her some. She got down and flushed. I put some underwear on her and took her shirt off her. We washed her hands and I dried them. I patted her bottom and told her to play with the toys under the bed. Ryder was still silently crying and I sat with my back against the counter. I rubbed his leg and told him if he went potty I would get him a surprise. He started to cry an gain and I got him 2 toy cars out of his bag and he started playing with them on his lap. I walked out and told him I would be right back. I went and found Kylie's n the other side of the bed. She was playing with a baby doll on her blanket. I went to Over to her and kneeled down.

H: what you doing Kylie

K: play baby doll.

H:want me to play with you

K: yea!!

I started playing with her and told her I had to check on Ryder. I went in there and pulled h off the potty. I called for maryann and she came in. I pulled him up and she said good job and hugged him. I gave him a high five. He actually used the potty. I put a pair of Phoenix's cars underwear on him. I told him if he needs to potty to tell me or maryann because if he uses his underwear he would sit in time out. I asked Kylie if she wanted to see a real baby. She said yea and I picked her up. Ryder held my hand and I led them to Joseph's room. I leaned over the side if the crib and she smiled. Baby!! yes that Joseph. I put her down and picked up Ryder. He kissed Joseph's head and Joseph sat up. I smiled at him and Kylie climbed the side of the crib. I put Ryder down and pulled Joseph out. I sat him on the floor and Kylie got down beside him. I put Ryder beside him and he watched him. Joseph started to crawl and Kylie chased him. I picked him up and put him back in the crib. I took the kids down stairs and they played with toys. I went out and put the burgers on the grill. When they got done I put the twins in hight chairs and broke up a burger for them.

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