Nap time and daycare

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~Hunters POV~

I put Rachel in her crib for her nap. I gave her her blankie and she fell asleep. I went downstairs and got a glass of water. I drank the water by the sink and maryann wrapped her arms around me when I put the glass down. I put my hands over hers. I turned around and intwined our fingers. She backed up against the counter and I picked her up and put her up there. I still had to push her head up a little. I swept my lips across hers and planted them. We kissed until there was a knock at the door. I looked through the peep hole and it was the delivery man. Nice way to kill the mood I thought. I opened the door and signed for the box. I knew what it was. I put it on the counter and started to kiss maryann again. I pulled away and swept my lips across hers again. I ran up the stairs and his in the bathroom. She ran up after me and I jumped from the bathroom and grabbed her by the waist. She screamed and I held her. I let her go and she went to the bathroom. I went to Rachel's room and she was laying in her crib talking to her teddy bear. I leaned over and she looked up at me and reached for me. I picked her up and laid her on the changing table. I changed her and asked if she wanted to go to daycare so I could go to school again when it started this fall. She is only 2 so she can't go to preschool yet. She nodded and I asked her this because she talks to all her toys and needs some friends. Maryann walked in and kissed my shoulder. I turned my head and kissed her. Rachel just starred at us. I picked her up and put her on the floor. She ran into the hall down stairs. Me and maryann followed her and she started trying to open the back door. I told her she couldn't go outside until she had some lunch. I gave her some crackers and jello. She ate and them I let her go outside. Me and maryann went out with her. She wanted in the pool so I took her shirt and pull-up off. I put her in her baby boat and she floated around. I sat in the swing and maryann sat in my lap. I got Rachel out of the pool and she sat in the grass. I got a towel and went to dry her off she wanted to do it her self. I gave it to her and got her pull-up. I turn around to her peeing on the towel. Well I guess I'll have to wash it. I spanked her. I put her pull-up on and made her go to the living room and sit. She hung her head on cried on the couch. I called a daycare and enrolled her in it. She starts in 2 months.

(2 months later)

~Hunters POV~

I woke Rachel up at 5 and got her ready for daycare. We left the house at 6:30. Me and maryann had to be at school at 7:45 so we left early. I took her to her class and there were about 5 other girls there Rachel's age. She took to them very quickly and we left. Me and maryann had all our classes together. We arrived at school and walked to science. I sat behind maryann and I traced my pencil along her back and she shivered. After science we had math. I sat behind maryann in all our classes. At lunch we sat down and Maryann's cousin Emily came up. She didn't know we where at this school. I told her we just started this year. I told her about Rachel. She said she understood and walked off. She is a techie. We are walked to English with maryann. Our school didn't have any extra classes so we get out at 1. It right now is 12:30. Only 30 more minutes. When class was over me and maryann walked out of school holding hands and over to Victoria. Everyone was staring so we decided to make a scene. Maryann jumped up onto the back of Victoria and I kissed her. She jumped down and got in the car. I got in the driver side and started her up. We pulled out and went to the daycare. I'm pretty sure we left some mouths hanging at the school. We arrived at the daycare. I went in and Rachel was crying. She ran to me and grabbed my legs. The teacher pulled her off of me and put her in the corner. I asked the teacher what she did. She said she got mad and tree a pillow at the floor. I thinks and maryann where thinking the same thing. This woman is crazy. I called Rachel and she ran to me. I picked her up and the lady tried to take her out of my arms and put her in timeout. She hasn't finished timeout yet. I said well to bad and she isn't coming back to this daycare and your not getting paid. I looked at Rachel and she had a bruise on her leg. I asked the lady where this came from and she said she spanked Rachel !! you don't spank a kid that hard. I told the manager of the place and they went in and fired the lady. It's in the rules she isn't aloud to touch the kids in spanking ways. I walked out carrying Rachel and realized she didn't have a pull-up on and her shorts were soaked. I asked her why her shorts were wet and she said the lady didn't let her use the potty and shale used her pull-up and that's when the lady spanked her. I hugged her close to me. She had other pull-ups and clothes in the diaper bag. Did this lady not have the brains enough to change her. I undressed her in the parking lot and the teacher came out. She said I can't do that. I said to bad you don't work here anymore. I pulled a diaper out and put it on her standing up. I put she shorts/leggings on her and a puffy shirt with ruffles. The shirt was puffy at the bottom like a little dress. I picked her up and turned to the lady. Now was that so hard. I put her in the car and buckled her in. The lady tapped my shoulder. I said what do you want. She said your kid isn't potty trained. I said yes she is. She asked you if she could do potty you said no so she used her pull-up. How did you know that. She told me. She can talk?? yes she can talk. I got into Victoria with maryann and Rachel and sped off. Rachel asked where we where going. I told her we where going to a cookout. We pulled up at the place for the cookout. It was likes house. He was having a party and cookout. I got Rachel out of the car and she wanted underwear instead of the diaper. I took the diaper off, put underwear on her, and put her shorts back on. I carried the diaper bag and Rachel held Maryann's hand. We went inside and I set Rachel's bag down by the door. I told her if she needed to go to a potty to tell me, maryann, or Luke. I showed her who Luke was so she would know. He had a bunch of his little cousins there that where about Rachel's age. She went over and played with them. I went inside and got me and maryann some lemonade. Rachel went to Luke and told him she needed to go potty. He said ok and took her to the bathroom. They were in the living room and like goes ill race you. They ran to the bathroom and Rachel won. Of course Luke let her win. He stood in there with her because she can't climb on the big potty. They came back outside and she started playing with the kids again. Luke asked me how I got her potty trained at such an early age. He pointed to a little girl and said she's 3 and now potty trained yet. I told him that we let her rum around naked and told her if she went potty in the floor she would get a spanken, but you don't spank them very hard. Just spat their hand and leg. He said he would try that. Come here Kylie. She ran to him and he undressed her. He told her if she needed to pee that she had to tell him. He brought out a little potty that all the kids could use. His little cousin started holding her legs together. He ran over to her and sat her on the little potty. She used it and was so proud. I told like she should use it from now on because she is proud of her self. Rachel climbed in my lap and whispered that she had an accident. I told her to go inside and get more underwear out of her bag. She brought me a pair and I put them on her. Her shorts were wet so she just had a puffy shirt and underwear. I told her if she needed to potty to go to the little potty that's beside likes chair. She said ok. Luke got up and started cooking.

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