Zoo time

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~Hunters POV~

Maryann and I got up around 6:30 and Kylie woke up after we got up. She reached for me and I picked her up. She slept in underwear all night and didn't have an accident. I carried her to the bathroom and set her on the potty. I walked to the other part of the bathroom and brushed my teeth, brushed my hair down cause it was wild, and washed my face. I went back to Kylie and put her underwear back on. She ran to the room and climbed on the bed. She sat up and watched Sesame Street while I woke Ryder up. Everyone was awake by 7. I laid Ryder on the bed and changed his soaking wet diaper. I put his training underwear on him and I put a shirt on. We all went and ate breakfast in our pjs. After we ate. I carried the kids to the room and maryann followed us. I set Ryder in the play pin and stood Kylie on the bed. I put her in a rainbow tank top and pink shorts. I put her in the play pin and stood Ryder on the bed. I put him in an under armor muscle tank top and under armor shorts. I put them in squeaky flip flops. I got their bag together. Clothes, underwear, diapers, pull-ups, snacks, sunscreen, wipes, and toys, blankets, pacifiers. I went and took the bag to the truck. I put it in the backseat and went back upstairs. I set Ryder and Kylie on the potty and went to maryann. I pinned her arms down and kissed her passionately. I let her arms go and she ran them around my neck and throat down to my chest. I pulled away and smiled at her. I let her up and set her on the bed and kissed her then turned and went to the kids. Me and maryann took them down stairs and I climbed up on the truck and put the babies in the car seats. I put maryann in the truck and jumped into the drivers side. I pushed the console up and pulled maryann to me. I kissed her and put my arm around her waist. Maryann turned on the gps and put the zoo address in and I followed it. We got to the zoo about 15 minutes later. I climbed out and got Ryder. Maryann got Kylie and I got the double stroller out of the back of the truck. We put the kids in the stroller and put the bag in the bottom. I packed their swim suits because they have a fountain kids can play in. I pushed the stroller and maryann hung onto my arm. My phone rang and maryann pulled it out of my back pocket. It was Katie. Maryann answered.

M: hello

K: hey yall having fun

M: totally and the kids are having a blast

K: cool. Ok I have a question

M: what's up

K: hunters dads are here to get their stuff. Do I follow them to make sure they only get their stuff and the kids.

M: if u want

K: ok. Love yall. I'll call this afternoon.

M: ok we love you too. Everyone tell Katie bye. ( puts phone on speaker )

M, h, r, k: bye Katie

K: bye guys.

Why the time we got away from the bathrooms Kylie had to go. I got her out of the stroller and maryann followed us with Ryder so we could change him. The bathroom was on the right but Kylie couldn't hold it anymore. She peed right where she was standing. I took her shorts and underwear off. I put her in a pull-up and put her in the stroller. She cried because she doesn't like pull-ups. She cried the whole time I changed Ryder in the bathroom, the whole time me and maryann used the bathroom, and got Ryder back in the stroller. I got her out and she put her head on my chest and cried. I carried her out of the bathroom and maryann pushed the stroller. Me and maryann where talking last night and I think we are going to adopt Kylie and Ryder. I patted Kylie's back but she still screamed and cried. I pulled her pacifier out of the bag and clipped it to her shirt. I put it in her mouth and she sniffled. I patted her back and sang I don't dance to her. She loves that song. I gave her her blanket and she put it on my chest and laid on it. When I sang I don't dance but here I am spinning round and round in circles I spun in circles with her. People smiled at us and every time I sang that line I spun in circles with her. She looked at me and smiled every time we spun around. When I stopped singing that song I kissed her head. I started singing la story to her. She didn't like that song so I sang all American girl. She loves that song. She fell asleep one and I turned her and carried her like a baby. I put her left arm under my arm and cuddled her up to me. We stopped at the park and let Ryder play. After he got done we walked over to the animals. Ryder loved the tigers and lions. I pulled Kylie up and put her on my shoulders. She slept with her cheek only head. I put one hand on her back to hold her up. I put the other around maryann. We got to the fountain and Ryder threw a fit wanting to get in it. Maryann pulled out his swim shorts and took his other shorts off. She put them on over his diaper and took his shirt off. I tried to wake Kylie up but she didn't want to. I put her in the stroller and covered her in sunscreen again. I put more on Ryder and he got tired of the water. I wrapped a towel around him and strapped him in the stroller. We decided to leave because Kylie was sleeping and Ryder is cranky. I put them in the truck and drove to the hotel. When we got there Ryder was asleep and Kylie had woken up. I carried Kylie and she was really hot. I gave her a cool bath and a Popsicle. I put her in a diaper and no clothes. She isn't burned she's just hot. I laid her on our bed and Ryder was asleep in the play pin and Kylie wanted her pacifier. I gave one to her and she cuddled up in out bed. I got in with her and she cuddled up on me. She ran to the bathroom and I went in after her. She took her pacifier out and threw up. I sat on the bathtub and rubbed her back. I made her a sippy cup of 7-up. I handed it to her and she climbed into my lap. She drank some and put her pacifier back in. I carried her to the bathroom and laid her back in the bed. I checked her diaper when she laid down and she had a very messy diaper. I guess she is sick. I laid her on a towel in the bathroom and took her diaper off. She had it running up her back so I had to give her another bath. I got her clean and got her another diaper. I put it on her and put footsie pjs on her so she would sweat whatever it is out. She fell asleep and I put her in her pink camouflage play pin. I covered her with a blanket and she fell asleep. Ryder woke up and wanted out. I got him out and he and I built towers with his blocks.

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