The beach

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~Hunters POV~

I went down stairs and started making breakfast. Maryann came downstairs and wrapped her and around my waist. We talked for awhile then breakfast was done. I went up and got Rachel and she had threw up all over her sheets. I picked her up and changed her clothes. I changed her bedding and carried her downstairs. I put her on her hight chair and gave her some eggs. She picked at them with her fork. After me and maryann finished eating Rachel still hadn't eaten anything. I pulled her hight chair to the living room and she threw up again. I picked her up and maryann gave her a bath while I cleaned the hight chair. She brought her back down stairs and had her in a diaper I because she was hot. Maryann went and changed because Rachel threw up on her. She came back down in one of my shirts and a pair of my shorts. We sat on the couch and I laid towels everywhere incase Rachel got sick again. She fell asleep on the towels I pulled maryann into my lap and we watched a movie. I kissed her and she laid her head on my chest. I laid on the couch and pulled her on me and put her head on my chest. We fell asleep and I woke up to Rachel crying. She didn't throw up again but she was crying because she was really hot. I laid her on the towel and got a cold wet rag. I laid it on her forehead and she went back to sleep. I sat back on the couch and maryann put her head on my chest. We went to sleep and I woke up to Rachel throwing up again. I gently moved maryann off of me and covered her with a blanket. I picked up Rachel and carried her to the bathroom. I laid her on the cold floor and changed her diaper. She said the floor felt good because she was so hot. I sat on the side of the bathtub and stood Rachel in front of the toilet. I told her if she was gonna throw up to run in here and throw up in the big girl potty. She nodded. I put sold toys near the bathroom for her to play with. I went to the lichen and made her some ginger ale to help her stomach. I put it on the counter and walked to hitch. I put se food in his bowl and I heard Rachel run to the bathroom. I ran in after her and sat on the side of the bathtub. She made it to the toilet. I sat and rubbed her back while she cried. She cried in between throwing up. I had some medicine for her but it was pills and she can't swallow them. I told her to stay there and I ran to my bathroom and got out the medicine. I went into the kitchen and crushed it up between 2 spoons. I put the powder in some applesauce and fed it to her. I gave her her sippy cup and sat in the floor with her. I sat criss cross and she sat in my legs. She had her back against my chest and I leaned against the wall. She leaned back on me and I played with her hair. I thought to myself. I wish I knew where our dads were so I could tell her and I hope she knows I'm doing the best I can raising her and I love her. What snapped we out of thinking was Rachel saying my name. I said yes baby. She said I love you hunter. I hugged he and laid my cheek on her head. I love you too baby girl. She put her cup down and sat in my lap. About 10 minutes later she got up and ran to the bathroom again. I chased after her and this time all that came up was water because she hasn't ate anything. She has felt horrible and doesn't want to eat. I rubbed her back and ran her a cool bath. I took her diaper off and set her on her potty with a trash can in front of her. I got the water filled up to where I wanted it and put her in. I took a rag and squeezed the water onto her hair. Ran the cool clothe over her arms and face. She sat in the water for 5 minutes them leaned over the tub and tree up on the toilet again. I guess that medicine didn't help. I wonder if she has the stomach flu. I found se different medicine that she took another this this happened. I gave it to her and she felt better. I carried her to her room and laid her on her towel. I grabbed a diaper, baby powder, and lotion. I put lotion on her and baby powder. I snapped her diaper and carried her downstairs. She clung toy neck and I laid her in the floor with her cup. I sat on the couch and maryann put her head in my lap. I looked down at her and a tear escaped from my eye. It landed on her neck and she sat up. She looked at me and I started to cry. She pulled my head up by me chin and kissed me. I kissed her back and we stopped when Rachel started coughing. I picked her up and ran to the bathroom. I put her in front of the toilet but she didn't do anything. She still has a fever so I gave her another cool bath. Maryann brought her a Popsicle and I let her eat it in the bath. I got her out after she finished her Popsicle and put a pull-up on her. I thought it would do some good to go outside. We went out to the backyard and I put her in her swing. I pushed her lightly and she fell asleep. I stopped the swing and took her back inside. I laid her in her crib and went and cooked me and a maryann some lunch. I made chicken and steamed carrots. After we ate Rachel started crying. I picked up the baby monitor and told her id be right there. Maryann came up with me and I picked Rachel up. Her fever was gone and she felt better. Me and maryann had been talking. We decided we would take Rachel to disney land. I think we will go to the beach today and disney tomorrow. I made a swim bag for Rachel and I put on my swim suit. Maryann put hers on in Rachel's room and I was in our room. In Rachel's bag I put pull-ups, swim diapers, sippy cups, snacks, and sunscreen. I put a swim diaper on Rachel and put her in a swim suit that was like a flower but the middle of the flower was her bellybutton. I put her in the car and maryann came out with our phones and Rachel's bag. I stuck some sand toys in the trunk of Victoria and Rachel's stroller is in there. We stopped at sonic and me and maryann got slushes and we got Rachel a small strawberry slush and some chicken. She are her chicken in the way to the beach. She finished about 30 minutes be for we got there because the beach we are going to is an hour away. I turned on the ac and some music. Rachel and maryann started singing to 5SOS and I just smiled. I loved to watch to my girls be silly. We arrived at the beach and they had a little carnival there today. Rachel got her face painted and me and maryann got matching henna tattoos. They were hearts. Her name was in mine and my name was in hers. We went to the water and laid down out towels. Rachel stood in the water and water started running down her legs. She had peed so much on the way here it went through her swim diaper. I called her over to me and laid her on a towel. I took her swim suit off and her swim diaper. I put a new one on her and put her swim suit back on. I held her hand and we got in the water. After a while we got out of the water and built sand castles. Maryann was laying on her towel asleep. I laid beside her and woke her up by lightly kissing her. She woke up and smiled. She grabbed the back of my neck and pulled my face to hers so our foreheads were touching. She whispered I love you and she kissed me. The only thing that broke the kiss was Rachel pulling my swimsuit telling me she needed to go potty. They didn't have any bathrooms out here so I told her to use her pull-up but she wouldn't. About an hour later she told me her stomach hurt and I knew why. She told me she had to go potty but wouldn't and she still hadn't went. I made her use her pull-up and I changed her. She was upset that she had to use her pull-up and sat in her stroller and wouldn't play. We pulled he up to the water and me and maryann chased each other through it. After playing in the water, maryann was on my back and I looked at Rachel and she was asleep she had her face on her stroller snack tray snoozing away. I got out of the water and put maryann down. I pulled her out of the stroller and laid her on the towel under the umbrella. I took her bathing suit off so if she tanned she wouldn't have a tan circle on her stomach.

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