What about the light side?

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This is Batman showing Robin around Gotham. If you have never seen lion king, you probably won't get it. But it's still funny. And the Robin in this one is Dick Grayson


The sun was setting, not like it was visible over the sheet of grey clouds that were draped over Gotham. Buildings dotted the landscape, and surprisingly. There was not a Thug in sight.

Robin was perched on top of a roof, impatiently kicking his feet. While his mentor, Batman, was quietly looking over the city. "Robin, I need to show you something important." 

 Batman's gruff voice ordered, surprising the boy. "Yea, what is it boss?" Robin asked curiously, springing up from his feet and steeping next to Batman. 

 " Look over our city. " Batman stepped up from his place, standing next to robin. 

Their capes waved in the wind as the Robin raised an eyebrow. "...okay..." Then he slowly looked over the depressing city. 

 "Everything that the shadow touches is ours. " Batman gestured to the array of buildings in front of them. It was almost endless but there was a little light in the distance. Robin frowned.

He pointed to the little dot "What about the little light over there?" 

Batman sighed and gave robin very serious stare. "That is Metroplis, never go over there. They have meta humans, and little shits like superman. As long as we have kryptonite, we're fine. "

Robin nodded and The vigilantes went their ways. Note to self: Robin thought. 

'visit metropolis to see if it's really what he says it is.'


Bonus scene: At the same exact moment in Metroplis 

It was yet another bright and sunny day in Metroplis, also Clark Kents day off, but not supermans.

Manhunter was spending the day at Metroplis, so superman was going to show him around.

After the whole invasion, him and J'hon have became pretty close, and since they were friends. Clark figured he should let the alien stay in the apartment across the hall from him.

Right now, they were on the tallest bridge in the boisterous city. "All that The light touches, is mine." The man of steel spread his arms out to the endless light that was Metropolis. 

But if you looked closley, you could see a shadow of darkness that covered what looked like a city. 

"What about the shadows over their?" He asked. 

Clark cringed and slowly took the ailens shoulders, making him look at him strait in the eyes.

 "That's Gotham." He started, releasing his grip, pointing to the shadow. "Never go there, the guardian of that city is batman. He has Kryptonite, and a box full of matches that he can shove up our asses." J'hon took that to note as they headed back to the building. 


A/n: I hope up you liked it!!! A little feedback would be nice. And don't be afraid to request a story. Comment if you think i should make another one where Robin decides to visit Metroplis. 

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