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A\N: I'm just going to say this right now, this story has triggers with anything that has to deal with self harm, anxiety, and depressing thoughts. I myself deal with all of these, and I don't want my precious readers to ever have the same problem. If you even need anything, or need someone to relate to you, I will always be here. Don't be afraid to reach out.

Damian angrily slammed the door shut behind him, stomping to his bed. Him and his father has had yet another argument on everything he's doing wrong. He's impulsive, he's a burden, his grades are dropping. He just wasn't good enough.

Damian spied the blade that he was looking for, a razor, and pulled up his sleeve, revealing other scars. He held the blade up to his wrist and had done what he did many times before.

Your not good enough
Your a burden
No one likes you or cares about you
Your not good enough
Go die in a hole.

By now are was a fresh batch of bleeding cuts on his arm, Damian observed them, wondering if he was good enough.

Just then there came a knock on his door, so Damian quickly pulled down his sleeve, not having time to bandage them or wash the blood off. He shoved the razor in a cabinet by his bed.

"What is it?" Damian made his voice sound peeved that someone was outside his door.

" Damian, it's Tim, can I come in? " Damian only grunted in response. Drake was the last person he wanted to see right now, he would even pick Todd over this idiot.

Tim walked in and sat on the bed next to Damian "You already know I have to help you with homework. You have no reason your grades should be dropping" Tim lectured, getting out a sheet of paper.

By this point Damian's glance was casted downward, he had a very disgusting reason. If he told anyone he would probably get laughed at or made fun of even more than he already was. Damian Wayne, a defenseless coward agents other people his age.

"Do this, and the ones you get wrong I will help you on." Tim's voice was softer now, this was different, by now they would be killing each other.

Dose he know something?
Damian thought.
No, he couldn't have
He decided to just ignore Tim

He finished up with the worksheet and handed it to Tim, who took it and checked it over. "You got them right, so why are you failing?"

Damian just shrugged and had a sudden interest in his shoes.

Tim took a closer look over his little brother, when something caught his eye. There was a bruise forming on his neck, it looks like he was trying to hide it with his hoodie.

Then it clicked.

"Damian... Are you being bullied?"

Damian abruptly looked up to Tim, then snorted. "Of course not, you really think a bunch of twelve year olds could do that?"

Yes, now Tim knew that he was deffenently being bullied.

"Kids can be mean" he said "also, you hadn't been on patrol for a week, so how do you have that bruise?"

Damian slapped a hand over the swollen skin "none of your business Drake."

Tim's eyes softened "I know how you feel, just tell me."

Damian slowly detached his arm from his neck, making his sleeve come down in the slightest bit. For a moment, revealing the nasty cuts and the blood stains on the bottom of his sleeve.

Luckily Tim didn't see them, but he was focused on the blood stains on his blankets.

Tim grabbed Damian by the arm, the math paper lay forgotten on the bed. Damian winced and almost yelled when Tim grabbed him, but Tim noticed this time.

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