camping 2

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"Did you sleep well?" Tim asked the oldest, who nodded while stretching. 

Jason stepped out of the woods with a stack of logs in his hands. "I slept as well as you could when your Stuck in the damn forest." He sulked, dropping the logs in the make shift fire place. 

"We cant start the fire right now, we have to wait till it gets dark." Dick kicked the logs. 

"Yeah Todd, wait till were all sleeping to start a fire and kill us." Damian snarled getting out of the cramped tent.

"Considering your a pyromaniac, you have to be watched twenty four seven." Tim eyed Jason. 

"Dont worry, he wouldn't kill us... right?" Dick smiled, looking to his little brothers.

Jason rolled his teal  eyes "Old man would have my head." 

Damian's face scrunched up "you mean father?" 

Jason scoffed "no i mean Alfred."

Everyone  stared at him.

 "Of course i mean Bruce. Ever hear of sarcasm?" the others just stared at him blankly. 

"Im hungry." Tim broke the silence. 

"Okay, well make a sandwich, what do y'all want?" Dick asked, getting out the bread. 

"Get me a PBJ." Tim told him, settling on a log.

 "I want a ham sandwich." Jason leaned agents a tree.

 "I shall have a honey sandwich." Damian demanded, sitting across from Tim.

Dick quickly got out the supply's, making the food.

 "Was this your order young sir?" Dick joked, placing the plate on Tim's lap.

 "I believe it was" Tim smiled.

 Dick then gave paper plates to his other brothers, and they started eating the meals. 

Jason left the trees and sat down opposite to all his brothers. He shoved the bread and ham in his mouth, inhaling it. he stopped abruptly when he noticed Tim looking with horror, Dick having an urgent look on his face, and Damian challenging something behind him. 

Jason whipped his head around, and there with a tangled brown mop of fur, glimmering teeth, and a snout that was extended. 

Was a baby bear. 

"Why are you so scared, its just a baby." Jason patted it on the head. 

The bear just sniffed the air. 

"But its a baby, the mothers always not far behind the baby." Tim stuttered. 

As if on Que, a huge mother bear burst through the trees, roaring. 

The bear swiped at Jason's arm, Jason pulled away from the baby, the mothers claws racked across his arm, leaving a trail of blood. 

Jason rushed to his brothers. "How do we do this?" Tim whispered. 

Before Dick could answer, the bear charged to them. 

They all went separate directions, the baby bear swiped at Tim's legs, getting his ankle, making him fall. 

Dick ran over to him, and swung Tim over His shoulders, running. 

Jason disappeared to god knows where, and the mother was charging Damian. 

Damian stood his ground, growling and glaring at the bear.

The bear growled back. They both charged each other, it would have been funny, if it wasn't a fatal situation.

The Bear bit Damian in the shoulder. Damian got his Katanna from behind his shirt, and stabbed the bear in the back.

 The bear let go, and stepped back. It was about to abandon its mission and run to Tim and Dick, but a gunshot pierced through the air.

Everyone looked to the source, Jason was holding a Pistol in the air. "Sorry guys, had to go to the tent." He grinned. 

The bears stood at a standstill, until Jason pointed the gun at them. 

The warning shot worked.

They huffed, running back into the forest. The tents were wrecked, and food was scattered on the ground.

 "Help Fix the tents." Dick set down Tim, and was the only one to set up the tents despite his asking for help.

"Good news and bad news..."  Dick started. 

"Bad news is that we only have enough food to last two more days." The others groaned. 

They were suppose to be picked up in more than a few days.

 "The normal human body can last three weeks without eating" Damian grunted. 

"Demon that's not normal..." Tim started. 

"What's the good news?" Jason cut them off. 

"We didn't die?" Dick said unsure. 

"Not for long." Damian looked at Tim with a murderous glint in his eyes.

 "And this is why we don't share a tent." Tim pointed out.

 "Okay, well Jason come in the tent, i need to fix your arm. Tim and Damian, dont kill each other. I will help you next." The two entered the tent. 

Dick looked at his bloody arm. "Good thing i got a medical kit." He shuffled through the kit and found the gauze.

He wrapped it slowly around his arm, careful not to hurt his brother.

 "Tell Tim he can come in next." Dick called as Jason took his leave. 

Jason yanked the sleeve back over his arm and grumbled to Tim. Tim got up and limped to the tent. 

"Nurse Richard is in." Dick chuckled, lightening the mood.

"Why is it that you didn't get mauled?" Tim sharply inhaled as his older brother removed his shoe.

 "When you get back, your getting a cast on that." Dick wrapped him up.

 "Keep your shoe off." He ordered. 

Tim nodded, and hobbled off to the log by the now lit camp fire thanks to Jason.

.Damian pushed through the entrance, and sat on the ground. 

"Take off your shirt." Dick softly commanded. Damian unwillingly struggled to get it off. 

He finally got it off once Dick helped him. 

Without a word, he wrapped it up like he did the others. "Once it bleeds through again, put this on." Dick put the roll of gauze in Damian's hands.

"But your gonna have to get stitches, like Jason once you get back." Dick warned.

 Damian ignored him and pulled on a new shirt. 

Once they got out, Jason and Tim were eating hot dogs. 

"We should sleep out here tonight." Dick suggested.

 "Yeah, until the bear comes back to eats us." Jason shook his head. 

"I don't think they are coming back, they know were armed with guns... and swords." Tim looked warily to Damian. 

 "I already have the sleeping bags!" Dick cheerfully pointed to the blue, red, yellow, and green sleeping bags. 

" Alright. " Jason sighed. 

So the brothers all slipped in their respective sleeping bags. 


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