Contacts and Glasses

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It was a normal day at the Wayne Manor, well, normal ever since Jason decided to move in.

"Come on Timbo, get off that laptop and enjoy the sunshine" Jason exclaimed.

"We are inside, and it is raining outside." Tim said, matter of factly, while sipping his coffee.

"He's right Timmy, that laptop is spoiling your brain." Dick agreed with Jason.

Jason made a swipe for Tim's laptop, but instead knocked over Tim's coffee all over Damian's legs.

Damian hissed and tackled Jason to the ground, the two wrestled for a while, Dick and Tim had enough and decided to head to the other room.

That is, until they heared Jason yell, "Is little demon spawn crying!" He taunted.

Dick and Tim looked to each other and ran separate ways, Tim ran to Bruce's study, while Dick ran to his two younger brothers.

Jason was taunting Damian from across the room, while Damian stood very still with a blank look on his face. But a stream of tears went down one of his eyes.

"Jason! Say your sorry." Dick orderd.

"Whatever he said, ya brat" Jason almost walked out of the room, but Bruce entered with Tim and they made him sit down on the couch.

"Damian, are you okay?" Bruce asked his son, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I am fine father" Damian answered, crossing his arms.

"Then why are you crying?" Tim pointed out.

Damian raised an eye brow and felt his one cheek that the tears were going down, it was wet.

The boy slowly put his hands up to his eye, taking something out of it.

He bought out a contact.

The room went to chaos.

Dick jumped up and down and squealed.

Jason stuttered in confusion and surprise.

Tim raised both of his eyebrows while sipping his new cup of coffee.

And Bruce took the contact and observed it.

"So is green your real eye color?" Bruce asked.

"Of course it is."

"How long have you had them?" Dick asked.

"When i first came."

"Who's been taking you to get them?" Tim asked.


"So you failed the eye test?" Jason snorted.

Damian didn't answer that one.

"I have ran out of contacts because of you buffoons." Damian went to his room and came down with a pair of glasses perched on his face.

Dick fangirled and died.

"Pennyworth and I are leaving to retrieve more contacts."

Then Damian and Alfred left.

By the way I just made a book of scary stories and creepy pastas, so if your into those kind of things then I recommend you check it out.

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