Damian and his frying pan

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Bang! "Outch, demon brat, what was that for?!" Jason's furious voice boomed through the Wayne manor halls, echoing all the way to Bruce's study. 

"And where did you get those pans anyways? " Tims voice followed in suite.

Bruce grumbled something unintellagible, getting up from the comfort of his chair to see what his children were up to.

 Quickly, he followed the source of the arguing voices.

The Kitchen.

Once Bruce entered, not even years of bat training could prepare him for what he saw. Dick was taking a video of Jason, who was in the floor groaning. He had a pretty nasty bump his forehead.

Tim and Damian were arguing. 

Damian clutched a red frying pan in his hands.

 "Why did you knock him out? He was only getting breakfeast." Tim snapped.

 "He got in my way Drake, and if you had the right mind, you would not interfere. " Damian held his head high. 

 Dick squeaked like a fan girl "he was like Repunzle!" 

"Didn't you watch that with the demon yesterday? " Jason's voice was muffled because his face was on the ground. 

"You still didn't answer my question, where did you get it?" Tim took the pan out of Damians hands.

 The dish was all red, and shiny like it had just been washed. 

"Hey! Isn't that George?!" Dick snapped out of his trance, and took the pan from Tim.

 "So it is his! " Tim stated. 

"Grayson, why must you give a non living thing such a patronizing name." Damian now focused his attention to the oldest. "And give me the wepon." He lunged for it, retrieving it from a surprised Richard. 

Bruce stared in disbilief, how could his adopted child, name pans! Then there was another clank! And Tim was on the ground next to Jason, groaning. 

Bruce should stop this. 

Then he thought. Nah, I'll just tell them their punishments. 

Damian swung the pan back and forth, testing how it worked. "Hmm... This kitchen wear isn't usless, I shall take it." 

 "Not favoring your katana anymore? " Jason taunted.


 Bruce inhaled sharply.

That was going to leave a mark. 

Jason was now, completely out of it. As Damian left with his new weapon, Dick cried. "Nooo! George! Don't get the promotion and leave me all allonnee!" He dramatically fell to his knees.

 It wasn't until a minute later that they all noticed Bruce standing there. "Father." Damian nodded as he walked off to brood in his room. 

"Jason, no more taunting. Tim, stop being mean. Damian... Just don't hurt anyone. And Dick, stop naming pans, and please. Don't watch tangled, or show it to anyone in this household." 

 Bruce scolded. "It will give them ideas" 

Bruce sighed as he walked away, waiting for the next catastrophe. 

'God help me if it's the little mermaid' He thought. 

 "I should have stopped at one."


A/n: I just thought of this, and figured that it would be funny. 

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