Ice Cream

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"Hey guys, how about we get some ice cream?" Dick asked his three younger brothers.

" Fine, but your paying" Red Hood said, jumping to another rooftop.

"Its okay, I was going to pay for it anyways" Nightwing kept up the pace with his brothers as they jumped from roof to roof in their vigilante form.

This reminded Dick of the time they had to dress up as Santa and deliver presents to orphans. That was a good time.

After a while, Tim asked "where are we going?"

"Where we always go, Baskin-Robbins." Jason answered like Tim was dumb.

"Hey, demon spawn. You've been awfully quiet, are you planning to kill us?" Jason teased.

After a moment of thinking, Damian spoke. "What is this 'ice cream' and where is this 'baskin- robin's' place you speak of."

The three older boys stopped in their tracks, gaping open mouthed at the youngest.

" Dami, You've never had ice cream before?" Dick asked like it was the most important question in the world.

"No Grayson, if it is one of your imbecilic fat foods then I refuse to Eat it."

Tim and Jason just sat back and watched the eldest try to talk the youngest into trying ice cream.

"Come on Dami, every normal kid has had ice cream once in their lifes."

" I am not your 'average kid,' Grayson. I am a weapon trained by the leauge of assassins. "

"But we can make you a normal kid, it's not too late Robin."

" What if I don't want to try this food you speak of and stoop to lower levels? "

"It won't effect your diet, Robin." ( that was a lie)

"Even if it does not, I will still stand by my judgment."

" Please? "


" Pretty please? "


" Pretty please with ice cream and a cherry on top? "

"This will always remain as a no."

"I'm sorry Robin, but I have to do it, This is for your own good."

Jason and Tim looked to each other in surprise, Dick was going to play the big card.

Dick quickly made sure there were no cameras around, and took off his mask, revealing his shimmering baby blues. He poked out his bottom lip and whimpered like a dog.

They stared at each other for a full minute before Damian gave in.

"Ugh, Fine. Take me to this place you speak of."

Dick squealed in excitement before lifting Damian up on his shoulders, jumping to the next building, after putting his mask back on.

"Are you sure we should let him have sugar? He is already hyped enough as it is." Tim followed nightwing and robin.

Jason just shrugged.


"What flavor do you want Baby bird?" Nightwing asked.

The workers and civilians alike were shocked, keeping their distance and making sure to nod in appreciation.

"I shall have vanilla" Damian said plainly.

"Okay..." Dick bought out his wallet to pay for him and his brothers, but the worker quickly shook his head.

" No no no, it's on the house. Thank you for everything you do" the man saluted them like they were army sergeants.

"Thank you" Dick said cheerfully, but made sure that his tip covered for the ice cream.

They disappeared into the night, or at least that was what it looked like to the civilians.

They were all gathered around Damian on a rooftop, Tim was holding his camera out, already recording.

Damian awkwardly held up the ice cream cone, observing it.

"You lift it up to your mouth, and you lick it. Like this" Dick held up his cotton candy ice cream, licking it like he was actually teaching robin how to eat.

"I know how to simply eat, Nightwing." Damian scoffed.

" Go ahead then" Jason urged, he was already halfway done with his rocky road.

Damian lifted the ice cream to his face and licked it.

His face changed from confused, surprised, worried, angry, and disgust.

Tim was silently laughing at his expression, it was priceless. He was right to have a camera with him.

"So how do you like it?" Dick asked.

After a moment of thinking Damian finally said: " This taste like diabetes in a cone."

They all busted out laughing, Tim stopped recording on the camera.


This is how Robin became a very popular internet meme for three years.

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