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Dick was a naturally good singer, his mom and dad used to say he had the voice of an angel.

But he abandoned that when they died.

So the first time they heared him sing, they just about freaked out.

"I thought that I've been hurt before"

Dick sung when he thought he was home alone.

Alfred was off, and the boys and Bruce should have been off at the store.

"But no one's ever left me quite this sore."

Dick was givin the job of doing the dishes, so he did them while singing. Little did he know Bruce forgot his keys and they all had to go back inside.

"Your words cut deeper then a knife"

He started tapping the beat to the song on the pots and pans.

All While Bruce, Damian, Jason, and Tim recorded it with their phones.

"And now I need someone to breathe me back to life"

Dick was now loading the dishes, still tapping along and swaying his body to the rhythm.

"Got a feeling that I'm going under"

"But I know that I'll make it out alive"

"If I quit calling you my lover"

"Move on"

By now Dick was done with loading the dish washer, closing it with his foot. He was now full on dancing, and it wasn't bad either.

"You watch me bleed until I can't breathe"

"I'm shaking falling onto my knees"

Dick had the pan and has now completely mastered the beat.

"And now that I'm without your kisses"

"I'll be needing stitches"

The boys watching were amazed at his vocal range.

"I'm tripping over myself"

"Aching begging you to come help"

"And now that I'm without your kisses"

"I'll be needing stitches"

Dick ended the song short, and put the pan up.

"I Havent sung like that In a while"

The boys were still gasping.

One day later a video went viral on Snapchat and YouTube of Dick Grayson singing like a robin. It was posted on Damian and Tims account.


Alfred was sick.

The bat family was screwed.

Dick almost burned the house down by cooking a macaroni cup. (I have done that before)

Tim just can't cook in particular, he new nothing.

Damian was too busy training to even think about food other then survival food for when an emergency would occur.

Jason was unknown.

And Bruce was almost as bad as Dick.

They needed some dinner, but the roads were all iced over so there wasn't any way to the road, delivery was off of the table.

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