Nightwing deaged: part 2

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Bruce got home and was rather surprised to see Tim, Damian, and Dick on the couch watching finding nemo.

They weren't arguing, bickering, fighting, killing each other, or hiding a body. It was like an ordinary family.

The now, younger Dick Grayson looked like he was falling asleep, leaning against Tim. His eyes started visibly drooping right as the credits started rolling on the big flat screen.

Bruce put his coat up on the hanger and slipped his shoes off, knowing that Alfred would skin him alive if he didn't follow the house hold rules.

Tim gently picked Dick up bridal style, stretching his legs.

"Hello father" Damian nodded in acknowledgment when he noticed Bruce coming in the room.

"Hello Damian" he replied, setting down his bag from the meeting.

"I'm taking Dick to bed" Tim whispered, starting down the hallway of the manor.

"You should do the same" Bruce told his blood son after a moment of silence.

"Father, I hope your not forgetting about your other duty." Damian reminded Bruce, who just chuckled and shook his head.

" Were taking the night off. "

"But the lowly citizens need our assistance, and-" Damian was interrupted by Bruce.

"Gotham can survive one night on its own, let the police do their jobs for once."

" If this is about Grayson, then we can just leave him with Drake" Damian stated.

Bruce sighed and put a hand on Damian's shoulder "You don't have to focus your life on training and saving Gotham. You can have a social life too, Damian."

Damian huffed and walked off to the bat cave entrance "I'm training."

Bruce just shook his head "that boy..." He mumbled.

Damian P.O.V

I don't understand

Damian punched the punching bag.

Am I not strong enough?

Another Herculean punch.

I was trained constantly when I was younger to be a weapon. How did I end up here?

A flying kick.

Mother just sent me away because I'm useless

While the punching bag swayed from its chain, Damian took the chance to take it out with a wave of lightning jabs, sending the bag to its limit.

With one final attempt, he roundhouse kicked the bag, sending it crumbling to the ground.

Right as the sand started filing out of the bag, Damian heared a scream from the mansion above.

Tims P.O.V

We decided it was best that we didn't tell Bruce about the whole fiasco about Dick hiding in the vents. Also that Jason was incredibly hung over and suffering in his room.

He did deserve it.

I typed away on my computer, digging deeper to look for more cases on the riddler, who mysteriously disappeared.

We couldn't find him anywhere, no matter how hard we looked.

Me and Dick usually made jokes about it like, 'he must have gone in the phantom zone.'

That Lego Batman movie was the best, because we always compared Dick to the one in the movie.

Like he would totally hit his head when he was in the Bat mobile. It probably happened before.

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