camping 3

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An: these are all 100% unedited, so read at your own risk.

Dick was wrong, terribly wrong. As soon as the sun started to rise, so did the rain. It poured over their campsite in buckets, it wasn't even this bad when weather wizard came through Gotham.

"Dick! Why did we sleep outside again?" Tim growled, shivering in his tent with Jason.

"How was I supposed to know it would rain? Stop blaming things on me!" Dick yelled back from the other tent.

"Why did I agree to come again?!" Jason groaned.

" Because your with your family! " Dick answered.

"Grayson, I am going to strangle you when we get back to the Manor." Damian threatened.

" Why not just now! " Jason shouted over the rain.

"Grayson shall enjoy it less when I broadcast it all throughout Gotham" Damian growled.

"If you hate it this bad, then call Bruce to come get you!" Dick sighed " all I wanted was to spend time with my family. "

"Exept one thing" Tim started "You made us leave our devises in the car, Idiot!" Tim was now just playing cards with Jason, they were all so done with this... Well maybe not the eldest.

"Fine, I have the perfect solution!" Dick jumped out of the tent and started to shimmy in circles around the unlit campfire.

" Ummm, Dick? What are you doing. " Tim asked flatly, not really caring anyways.

"Shhh!" Dick shut him up " I'm doing a rain dance! You can't interrupt the sacred ritual, otherwise we all get blasted into a pile of ashes from Zeus. "

"Would it be bad to say I wish that would happen, I have already died once I can do it again." Jason face plants at his older brothers antics, the others agreed with him.

"Okay! They rain dance is over." Dick announced, making his way back to his and Damian's tent. He tried unzipping it, but Damian was holding it on the other side. " let me in! It's freezing and cold out here! " Dick whined.

"Good!" Was the only response he got from the others.

" You are all so mean" Dick pouted.

"We All know" Jason answered for the others this time.

"Maybe i should just go up on a tree or something" Dick grumbled.

"Okay, not our problem." Tim said from inside the tent.

" Go Tarzan, the trees await you" Jason joked. 

"Please!?" Dick made his best begging face, even though the others couldn't see him.

" Oh no, it he doing it? " Tim asked, closing his eyes tight.

"Yes, I feel the effects from the inside the tent" Damian looked away from Dick's shadow on the tent.

"Not the puppy eyes!" Jason groaned, dramatically falling too his knees.

After ten minuets of waiting for them open the tent, it stopped raining.

"Guys! I think my dance worked!" Dick called from outside the tents, starting a fire so he could dry all of the sleeping bags.

" I am never going camping with you again" Jason took his seat on the logs.

"I am never going camping with anyone again." Tim muttered.

" You still have two more days with me though! Let me change your minds! " Dick begged.

"It's not like we have a choice, Grayson." Damian pointed out. "You have stripped us of communication, our emergency trackers, and my Sword. "

"Yes I did, so you wouldn't kill me in my sleep" Dick answered defensively

Before anyone could speak, Dick spoke again. "How about we go fishing?"

An: I am so happy I got 10.1k reads!! thank you guys for supporting me, I love my fam of reading and writing. Ciao! See you next time!

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