Camping 4

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A/n: how long has it been? *nervous laughter* a year? *runs away from angry fans* 

They decided to take Dicks idea the next day, but only because they were dying of boredom.

"Let's spice things up a bit, whoever can catch the most fish can tell one person of their choice to do something, and they have to do it." Tim suggested.

"That's a great idea Timmy!" Dick praised, looking nervously over to Jason and Damian. He knew that if one of them wins, then him or Tim would likely die.

"Be prepared" Jason cracked his knuckles "I'm going to win this."

Dick gulped.

"I shall be the one to prevail, Todd" Damian corrected.

"Yeah, whatever demon spawn." Jason scoffed.

The group gathered their fishing polls and hiked down the trail about a mile until they reached the lake. The water was impressively clear, unlike the polluted water in Gotham.

There was no one else at the lake, so the boys spread out to diffrent sections.

"Once you run out of bait, then the competition is over for you, and you have to come back to me." Dick announced .

"Yeah okay whatever, so how many of you have fished anyways?" Jason asked, hooking a worm onto his hook.

His question was met with silence.

"So your telling me, that none of you have fished?" Jason raised an eyebrow in disbelief .

"We will learn. Right guys?" Dick positively supplied.

Tim just shrugged, he wasn't the best at outdoors stuff.

Damian was already on his side of the lake.

"Whatever, your going down, dickhead." Jason growled.

~~~Time skip to after fishing~~~

At the campsite

"Alright Dick, how much did you get?" Jason asked, settling himself on a log.

" Three" he said proudly.

"Seriously? You spent like three hours and got three fish?" Jason lit the fire, laughing at his adopted brothers fate.
" Alright, Timbo his much did you get? "

"I got zero."

The group all turned their heads to him, staring at him.

"I gave up after twenty minutes." Was all he said, shrugging sheepishly.

" Well I got fifteen" Jason said after a moment of silence.

They then all looked to the assassin.

"I claimed sixteen" he smirked.

"Looks like Dami won!" Dick cheered happily, not wanting Jason to win.

" Actually, Damian is disqualified. " Tim informed.

"How? I caught fish just as you asked me to" Damian glared at Tim.

"Well if your fishing, brat, you have to use a poll. Not your demon claws." Jason spat.

Dick looked to Damian, wondering how he even managed to do that.

"Therefore,  Jason wins." Tim summed up.

Damian scoffed " I am still better than Todd any day, I do not need a silly competition to prove that. "

"Whatever you say, Satan spawn"  Jason replied.

" So, who are you going to tell what to do? " Tim asked, knowing that Jason wouldn't pick him.

Jason pretended to think for a second before looking devilishly at Damian. "I dare you to spend the rest of the day in you boxers." 

Tim and Dick covered their mouth, stifling laughs.

"I would never do such a thing." Damian denied his fate.

"Oh come one Dami, it's not that bad. It's just us" Dick tried to convince his younger brother.

"May I remind you Grayson, I still have my dignity." Damian retorted.

Dick thought for a second before speaking again. "I'll do it with you." 

Damian's lip curled in disgust "Never." 

An evil light bob lit up above Jason's head "how about this, all of you have to do the dare, if you do it I'll do it too. That's a fair price right? It's worth it to see y'all." Jason laughed evilly.

"Umm, no. Don't drag me into this." Tim threw his hands up, leaving the sandwich he was eating for lunch on the ground.

"That's a great idea Jay! What a great way to bond." Dick grinned, already pulling off his shirt. 

"Umm, let's not rush into this..." Tim pulled his adopted brothers shirt back down.

"No can do Timbo, we've got daylight to spare!" Jason followed his older brothers movements. 

'Tt' "I shall change my bandages" Damian huffed, stomping to his tent.

~~~~Bruce Wayne's House~~~~~

Bruce got a face time call from an unknown number, he usually never answers those kind of calls, but it could be one of his sons. He knew that Dick made them ditch their technology so they could've been calling from someone else's phone. 

It had to be them, because they were calling the bat caves computer.

He answered the Call, pulling on his cowl.

To his surprise, Poison Ivy's face was covering the screen with a triumphant face.

"Ivy" Batman spoke,

"Aww, it's batsy. Oh, I mean, Brucie." Ivy waved.

Batman knew she had known his identity before hand, thanks to the Joker. 

"What do you want." His question came off as more of a threat

"Well I was taking a little stroll, and I happend to run across your little baby birds." She moved away from the screen to reveal his four sons hung upside down by vines. 

Bruce noticed all of them were in nothing but boxers, Damian appeared to have a shoulder injury, and Tim had a foot one. Jason also had an arm injury.

"What did you do to them" Bruce growled, he felt the anger bubble inside of him. 

All four of them were unconscious. 

"Acually, I just knocked them out. The little heathens we're running around the forest in nothing but boxers. They were screaming at each other at the top of their lungs." 

Bruce knew she was telling the truth by her tone.

So he did one thing.

He facepalmed.

A/n: So the next part is going to be how they got caught from their point of view. 

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