Camping 5

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It was about an hour after the boys had to... change their wardrobe.

"Why are we doing this?" Tim rubbed his hands on his bare arms to gain friction.

"Beacuse it's fun" Dicks teeth chattered.

"Yeah, if you call being turned into a fucking popsicle fun." Jason muttered, wrapping his arms around himself.

The four boys were all huddled around the fire, desperately trying to get warm. The sun was already starting to disappear behind the trees, the sky blending into different oranges.

'Tt' "I do not know why we have to contribute in such childish matters." Damian said, refusing to show that he was cold.

"Well maybe if you hadn't lost the fishing contest you little-" Jason was interrupted by Damian.

"Well maybe if you had not given me this task then we wouldn't be in this situation-" Damian was cut off by Tim.

"You know what? I'm done." The tech genius hopped up from his place on the log.

He snatched a phone from inside his boxers.

"What! But how? I thought you gave me all of your technology?" Dick pouted.

"Well you didn't Dickhead." Jason gave Tim a thumbs up.

Dick thought for a second before smirking deviously "I know how to get you warm and not call Bruce."

"And what is that, Grayson?" Damian raised an eyebrow.

Dick started to slowly approach Tim, still smirking. Tim backed up a little, holding his phone up to his shirtless chest.

Jason and Damian got to their feet as Dick rushed Tim, swiping the phone from the red robins hands.

"Dick if you break that phone..." Tim trailed off, looking for a threat to use.

"Then we'll snatch your boxers and hang them up on tree, and we will take a video of you trying to climb a tree butt naked." Jason finnished Tim's sentence .

Dick didn't seem phased at all "Okay then" he said "you will have to catch me then."

The others took this as their cue to chase their oldest brother , who was already running through the forest screaming like a maniac.

They screamed threats at him, but none of them seemed to convince him to stop.

"I'll chop your Dick off!"

" I'll post that one video of you... "

"I shall tell Pennyworth!"

"Look isn't this great, your not cold anymore! " Dick yelled back to his brothers.

"Cold my ass" Jason snarled. " We want to get out of here!"

Dick took that as a sign to move faster, unfortunately he wasn't looking where he was running. Resulting in him running into a tree.

The pissed brothers all tackled him, holding him to where he couldn't escape their grasp.

"Where is the phone?" Tim asked, searching for it.

Dick chuckled " I dropped it a while back. "

"Grayson you traitorous pest!" Damian barked.

" Dick you little-" Jason was cut off by Dicks hand on his mouth.

"Na-ah-ah. We don't Alfred to put anymore soap in your mouth then he has to, now do we?"

That shut Jason up.

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