batboys turned to animals 3

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A\N: I'm back. I updated like two minuets ago with my other oneshot, so maybe two in one day if I get this done. Too be honest I completely forgot about this one im so sorry.

Bruces excuse was that he had a business meeting in Metropolis, and Alfred was required to come. The tracker was still on them, so that was good, but the only bad news was that they were probably heading to the millionaire and his butler.

Bruce and Alfred rented an apartment in the same building as Superman, who didn't know that they were there. At least, not until Bruce knocked on his apartments door.

"Coming!" Came the kryptonians voice.

He opened the door with his hair stuck up in awkward angels and a toothbrush sticking out of his mouth, he was also in his pj's.

They stated at each other for a moment before Clark awkwardly chuckled and pulled the toothbrush out of his mouth "hang on Bruce."

About ten seconds later, he opened the door again, in nicer clothes, his hair was fixed, and that toothbrush was now out of his mouth. "Come in" he stepped back to give the man some space to get in.

"So what brings you here?" He tried to mask his surprised, failing immediately.

" Me and the boys are in a... Situation" Bruce explained how him and Alfred are the next door down and how his son's were turned to animals and on the run to Star City.

The man of steel nodded along "any idea about this new organization?"

" They call themselves cadmus, a testing facility. "Bruce answered.

" Should we send leaguers to check it out? " Clark offered.

Bruce took a second to think "not right now because of any of you or I went, it would alert them that we were there. But we could hand the trackers to flash and kid flash to jam up the system and get the preoccupied on the trackers. The while that happened we could sent a few to take them down and grab the antidotes."

" Okay... When do you think we should plan this? " he asked.

"Normally I would say the sooner the better... But first we have them to get to us to see what were up agents. Maybe let the boys get farther away, I know that by now they are about halfway to Star city. But we can't communicate through the phone because they might be able to trace that and foil out plans. And no, you can't fly there either because they probably have all of the information on metas, or heros. They might be able to trace your path."

" So we just let your sons get there? " Superman said.

Bruce nodded.

"By the way, where is Alfred?"

" I am right here, Mr.Kent. " Alfred appeared from the shadows.

Clark jumped out of his skin "He's almost as bad as you, if not worst!"

Just then, another knock came to the door.

Clark went to answer it, but a man with a golden helmet kicked down the door before the man of steel could touch it.
With the boys

"Come on guys, were half way there!" The lemur called from the trees.

" Well we can't jump from tree to tree like you can" Jason barked.

"Fine then" the leamer jumped down from the tree and landed on Damian, who swiped his paw in an arch, effectively swiping the monkey animal off of him.

"Ouch! Dami, that hurt!" Dick whined.

" Good"  Jason snorted.

"Guy, it's getting dark" Tim noted.

"What a genius" Jason said sarcastically

"Guys, settle down. Let's see what Bruce got us" Dick took the bag from his back and opened it.

There was food, blankets, money, (even though they were animals) and that's about it.

"He packed for us like we are humans" Jason mumbled.

"Technically we are"  Tim said, biting into some meat.

"Guys look, there's a clearing up ahead, we can rest there" Dick pointed his small hand to the place up ahead.

After everyone set up there blankets to sleep on and were just about to lay down, the sound of a gunshot interrupted the silence. Three more were fired, right as hunting dogs erupted through the bushes.

A man loaded his gun, and aimed, the cigarette hung loosely from his mouth fell to the floor. "I gotcha now" he chuckled darkly.

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