Deaged nightwing

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An: I was all of the reqhest, but this one was first. In this one, Dick is about five or six, and looks like whatever you want. Enjoy!!!


Bruce didn't know how it all happened, it went by too fast, Dick's childhood was lost when his parents died. But now, looking at Dick gave him dejavu. 

His adopted son was now what looked to be a five year old boy. 

Bruce groaned and turned over on his comfortable mattress, away from the madness. 

"It's too early for this." Dick said nothing, and just cuddled closer to Bruce. 

After ten minuets of stratagizing, Bruce called Alfred. 

Bruce was done with this, he had one of those meetings anyways, so Alfred could just take care of him. 

There was one flaw in his brilliant plan.

Alfred took the day off.

 Oh great. 

Bruce sighed as he slipped on a tux and dress pants, and carried Dick down the stairs and to the dining room. 

Dick only woke up when he was placed his seat, by Bruces. "Bwuce?" He groggly yawned.

 "Yeah, it's me buddie. Care to tell me what happend? " 

A look of confusion flickered on Dick's face before he looked down at his small body. "Umm, I don't remember much from last night, but I was on patrol and some nice guy offered me water. I couldn't refuse that, so I took a bottle and had a sip, then poof! I'm like this." He made wild hand gestures with his arms like he was on fire. 

" Okay... so I need to run a few test on you " Bruce said, not really looking to his ward. 

 "I'm hungry." Dick wined after a moment of silence. 

" I have to go to a meeting at Wayne tech, so I'm going to have to leave you here. " Bruce explained as he put on a pair of black shoes. 

"Damian and Tim are here if you need anything." He left the house before Dick could do anything. 

Dick grumbled something a little kid should not be saying, and left his seat to look for Tim.


He found Tim alright, but he also found Jason, he was on the roof with a major hangover.

 Dick didn't expect anything less from Jason, so Tim stumbled upon Dick trying to wake Jason up with a megaphone. 

"Dick?" Tim yelped in surprise.

 " Yeah? " Dick made his innocent face as he dropped the megaphone right on Jason's head.

 After helping Dick and Jason down the roof and to his room, Tim called Bruce. 

Bruce explained everything, Dick adding a few minor details in which Tim wouldn't admit was cute. 

"So your leaving him with me!?" Tim groaned. "That is wrong on a whole new level." 

Before Jason could add something in, Bruce hung up. 

"Hes your kid." Jason slurred. 

"And why were you here? whats your excuse?" Tim looked to the older man.

 "I was out, went places, then here, and passed out." Jason left the room. "Im going to wake up demon brat." He evilly grinned.

Tim sat on his bed for a second just staring at His now little brother, inwardly crying at his situation.

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