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In which Damian sleepwalks...


The first time Damian took to his nocturnal prowling was What Bruce estimated to be around midnight. He lay stiffly on his bed, breathing in softly through his nose. This was one of those rare times when the family was forced by Alfred to take off from patrol.

Bruce was awoke by silent padding outside of his door, and he subconsciously went for the knife hidden under his pillow. No matter how hard the family's butler scolded him for keeping such a weapon in his room, the billionaire couldn't just lay in bed at night defenceless. Old habits die hard.

Eventually the slow and uneven footsteps made there was away from Bruce's door, occasionally stopping for a brief moment before continuing down the hallway.

The man knew that Titus, his youngest sons dog, did not sound like that while walking down the hallway. The only other person home was Damian, who should have been safely tucked in bed at midnight.

The others helped Dick on an emergency mission in Bludhaven, the eldest of his adopted children insisted that they stay in case of an attack on Gotham. (Though Bruce knew the real reason was that he wanted them to get a solid night of sleep.)

Bruce slipped the knife in his robes pocket and silently opened his door. He poked his head out, and when he saw no immediate threat, stepped out into the hallway.

Nothing seemed out of place, then he noticed Damian's door wide open, Titus sleeping on an empty bed.

Bruce raised an eyebrow, swiftly shuffling down the hall, remembering where the footsteps were headed.

He turned around the corner and spotted his youngest son staggering the slowest Bruce has ever seen him move. His back was facing him, so all he could make out was disheveled raven hair, and his night shirt sliding down a tanned shoulder.

Alarm bells rang in Bruce's head.

He speed walked and stopped in front of the boy.

Damian bumped into him, and just stopped walking. His eyes were half lidded and unfocused, staring not at Bruce, but straight through him.

Bruce stated in shocked silence.

Damian kept walking past him.

"I believe master Damian has taken to sleepwalking." Alfred said from beside Bruce, scaring the hell out of the younger man.

"Yeah, just like Dick when he was younger." Bruce added, once his heart rate came down to a safe level.

Bruce hurried after Damian and caught his arm, Alfred taking the other one.

Together they gently lead the youth back to his bed, Alfred pulling back the covers while Damian mechanically climbed back in bed like nothing happend.

"We will have to keep a close eye on him" Bruce sighed, pulling the covers over his son. "We don't want A repeat of one of my son's sleep balancing on the banister."

"A very wise action sir."


Richard Grayson was visiting his father, and Nightwing was visiting his mentor, who requested his assistance to help with a case.

Right now, Batman was on patrol, and Dick was working on the case on the bat caves computer.

Suddenly the caves elevator dinged, catching the man's attention.

He and Alfred were the only ones in the cave, the others had been banned due to over working themselves. Dick stood up, fully ready to scold whoever come out of the elevator.

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