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It was a pretty relax day for the batfamily, they were all just doing their own thing, Tim was curled on the couch reading a journey to the center of the earth, Jason was flipping through the channels on the tv, and Dick was looking at his social media.

And Damian... Damian was no where to be seen.

"Hey guys, have you seen Damian today?" Dick asked, taking his attention off of his phone.

"Ugh, don't know don't care. Let the demon brat starve for all I care." was Jason's venomous answer.

Dick frowned at that, but didn't say anything, instead turning to Tim.

"Ah, last I saw him was this morning, I was looking through all of the cameras in the manor and saw him in the batcave, he was training."

"Oh, thanks Timmy" Dick leaped up from the couch to go see his little brother.

"Wait... Are we just gonna ignore the face that Tim was looking through the camera?!" Jason whined, his teal eyes still set on the tv.

"Nope, I'm letting him off this time" Dick yelled from the entrance to the batcave.

He hurried down the staircase, hopping down them two at a time until he reached the training mat.

Dick gasped at the sight before him.

Damian was curled up on the floor below the training dummy, his robin cape draped over him and his katana at his side.

Dick squealed quietly, but was still a little concerned for the current robin that probably over trained himself.

Then he noticed Damian shiver against the thin fabric of his cape.

Dick approached Damian quietly, he knew that Damian was a light sleeper, but he probably wouldn't wake even if Dick picked him up. The young boy was exhausted.

Dick put his warm hand against Damian's neck, feeling his pulse. It was a little uneven, but he did just probably pass out.

Dick one hand under Damian's leg and The other one around his shoulders, slowly lifting him off of the ground.

He left Damian's katana on the floor, he would get that later, and pulled off Damian's cape, leaving it with the weapon.

He let Damian share his body heat as he navigated his way to the infirmary, gently placing his little brother in the bed.

He lifted the covers above the boy, and Damian unconsciously pulled the cotton blanket closer, seeking the warmth.

Dick grinned at the sight and pulled off Damian's green domino mask, his dark eye lashes now visible.

Dick hugged Damian tightly, the young adult was gobsmacked when he did.

Because just this once.

Damian hugged back.

Not dead. Just having updated recently. I'm sorry.

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