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"Shit." Yoongi grumbled at his bedside clock before chucking it onto his bed and leaping out from under his blanket.

He was late to school for the first time ever.

One might wonder how this happened.

Yoongi was always early. Always.

He'd pride himself of sleeping in early, after getting his homework (barely) done.

He wasn't that smart, and he wasn't a nerd either, but he was always on time.

Washing his face and brushing his teeth as quickly as possible, Yoongi changed into his uniform and cursed all the way through.

One name kept repeating itself in between his curses.

Park Fucking Jimin.

Okay so his name was not really Park Fucking Jimin. It was just Park Jimin but Yoongi was too angry (more at himself but of course he'd blame the other). The conversation they had yesterday kept on replaying in his head that made him lose sleep.

It was unusual for Yoongi to care about what people say to him. But this time it was different.

Running down the stairs, Yoongi was stopped abruptly by a hand on his chest. "Eat something first."

"I can't. I'm fucking late."

"Watch your fucking language with me."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and pushed away the hand that stopped him just to take the sandwich that was shoved in his face.

"Thanks hyung!" Yoongi shouted as he left his family's residence, leaving his older brother behind who was shaking his head.

"Don't run! You'll get cramps!"

"I'm fucking late!"

"I fucking told you not to curse!"

"Sorry, Jin hyung!"

With that he disappeared around the corner, running towards school which would ring its bell in 5 more minutes. It usually took Yoongi a 15 minute-walk to reach school so he knew he needed to run twice as fast to be there on time.

His friends could answer the roll call for him.

If he had any friends, of course.

But Yoongi was a loner. And he preferred it that way.

Poeple had a hard time understanding him. He was often too honest as they would say and what he said could hurt other's feelings.

Not like he cared though.

He liked being alone. More time for him to do things on his own. He liked his peace and quiet.

Yoongi glanced at his watch. 2 minutes to bell and Yoongi turned around the corner, he could already see the school's gate.

He should be able to do it.

Yoongi half ran and half leaped into the school's compound, and just as his toes reach the ground, the bell rang.


Dramatically looking up the sky to thank whatever was up there, his head jerked back to his side when he heard a deep voice.

"That was close, Min Yoongi."

"Sorry, Mr. Kim." Grabbing his sides, Yoongi now realized he indeed was having stomach cramps from running too much. He couldn't remember when was the last time he ran. Not even during P.E. since Yoongi would always get excused for being too "weak".

"That's okay. I know you're usually early. Go on now." Mr. Kim passed the clipboard he was holding to the student council member beside him who was smiling so cheerfully at Yoongi.

Yoongi's eyes grew bigger before a deadly glare covered them.

"Good morning, Yoongi."

Yoongi hissed through his teeth to respond to the greeting to the boy who caused it all, but he did it anyways, since the teacher was still there. "Morning, Jimin."

Trash 쓰레기 {Yoonmin} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now