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"You should leave."

It had been two days since Yoongi arrived in Busan. Jimin had been pestering him to go back to college but with Jimin not coming along, Yoongi didn't want to leave.

He would miss the younger too much. Especially knowing how Jimin might not reply to his texts or answer his calls. He had accepted that part of Jimin. The younger just preferred to be physically together, rather than connecting through a phone screen.

Honestly, Yoongi wanted it to be that way all the time as well. Especially now with Jimin being alone. He wanted to keep an eye on the boy.

"Only if you come back with me."

"I can't."

"Let's just try asking them if you can get a scholarship, Jimin."

"And then what about the dorm fee? Food? Basic necessities?"

"I'll help."

"You mean Jin hyung'll help?"

"Well, if it makes you uncomfortable, we can just both work."

Jimin looked up from the floor, lying stomach down with his elbows propped, reading his old comics. "You? Work?"

"Did you just insult me?"

"I might have." Jimin grinned and Yoongi couldn't find it in him to get angry.

"I can work. If it's not in service. Or directly under a supervisor. Or something that would make me tired. Or pays too little."

Rolling over to lie on his back, Jimin laughed until there were squeaky sounds between his breaths and Yoongi had to bit the inside of his lower lip to stop him from grinning. It was too cute. "Yoongi, you just basically listed down every damn job available for inexperienced people like you."

"Okay fine. Maybe I can do with minimum pay."

Giggling this time, Jimin got up and went to Yoongi who was sitting at the edge of the bed. It seemed so natural for Jimin to lift his leg over the older's lap and sit on his thighs, hooking his arms around Yoongi's neck.

"Alright. I might be okay with a supervisor. If he or she is nice." Yoongi tolerated as his hands rested on Jimin's small waist.

"You're pretty desperate for me to go back to college."

"I am."

"You're that concerned about my education?"

"I'm concerned about not seeing you for a long time."

Jimin smiled before leaning in for a kiss, one that was slow and soft, free of lust but filled with longing.

"Please come back with me." Yoongi sighed as they broke the kiss.

Smiling again, Jimin finally nodded.


"So you want to work?"

"Yeah." Yoongi answered, looking at his brother.

"So you're both here to let me know that you're going to start working part-time while you're studying?"

"Yes." Jimin's hand somehow found Yoongi's and held on tight, making the older squeezed it in return.

"Great!" Jin hyung clapped his hands and pulled his knee up to plant the sole of his foot on the seat of his chair, resting his elbow on that knee. "I was beginning to wonder when you'd grow up and be more independent."

"I thought you didn't want me to work?" Yoongi looked at his brother incredulously.

"That was when you were in school. You needed to get good grades for your college entrance exam. But you're already in college now! So go ahead. You have my support."

Both younger boys smiled.

"Also, hyung." Yoongi bit his lower lip. "Can we... Borrow some money first?"


"Jimin's dorm fee. Is that okay?"

"Oh Jiminie. You shouldn't need to borrow. That I can just give it to you."

"No, please hyung. Let me pay it back. It might not be now but I'll pay it back for sure."

Smiling at Jimin, Jin hyung nodded. "Okay." He frowned a second later, as if rememering something. "You've both missed out the first week of class. Is that okay?"

"We called to let them know we're coming back on Monday. The first week's just the introduction." Yoongi was glad the professors were all understanding, especially with Jimin's mother's passing.

Jin hyung nodded to acknowledge that. "Jiminie," he turned to the youngest, "stay with us during breaks okay? You're part of this family."

Yoongi and Jimin exchanged a smile and Jimin nodded, quietly saying his thanks.

"Also," Jin hyung looked at Jimin. He seemed to contemplate whether to say what he wanted to but did it anyway, "when is your mom's jol-gok?"

Yoongi quickly turned to look at Jimin who pursed his lips, calculating the date for his mother's 100th day memorial service. "In 65 days. Why hyung?"

"We're doing it here, is that okay?"

Jimin took a sharp breath and waved his hand. "No, hyung. You don't have to. Mom would understand if I-"

"We're doing it here. We'll cook her favorites."

All his life, Yoongi had only seen Jin hyung as serious as he was now once - when the hospital told them their father had passed away and the social service wanted to take Yoongi to a foster care.

His brother was so adamant that they eventually gave up and let Yoongi stay with him.

Giving a squeeze on Jimin's hand, he nodded so the younger would take up the offer, which Jimin finally did.

That night as they lay awake on Yoongi's bed, their hands locked and Yoongi wanted nothing but the moment to last forever.


"Hmm?" Jimin hummed with his eyes closed, drifting off to sleep.

"I think I love you."

Jimin's eyes fluttered open, and his full lips curled up slowly. "I love you too, Yoongi. Always."

Nodding, Yoongi reached to graze his thumb on Jimin's jaw.


Trash 쓰레기 {Yoonmin} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now