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"Why do you still get those dizzy spells?" Yoongi whispered out as he laid next to Jimin on his bed.

They were supposed to walk to their old school, just for old times' sake, but Jimin collapsed and it was a good thing Yoongi's ice cream fell at the same time so he turned around to get a new one but instead, saw Jimin on the ground.

Jimin woke up right after and insisted he was okay but Yoongi was adamant in going home so the younger could lie down.

"It's the GTN." Jimin answered, his eyes were still closed.

Yoongi frowned. He had no knowledge whatsoever in medicine.

"It's basically nitroglycerin, for my heart."

Yoongi nodded. He remembered. "The small arteries?"

"Yeah. Sometimes it can be painful whenever my heart beats a little to fast so I take GTN for that."

"Are you under stress?"

"No, Yoongi." Jimin smiled softly. "My heart gets a little too excited being here with you."

Yoongi couldn't help but feel both guilty and happy.

"Anyways, the meds makes me dizzy. I'll be okay if I just lie down for a while."

"Okay." Yoongi got up to let Jimin rest but felt a tug at his hand.

"Stay." Jimin finally opened his eyes. "Please."

The older nodded and lied back down next to Jimin. They both never let go of each other's hand.

Yoongi felt a tingling sensation where their skin touched and subconsciously moved his thumb to draw circles on Jimin's skin, making the younger hummed in response.

"That feels nice." Jimin whispered, so Yoongi continued doing it.

"You feel better now?"

"Much." Jimin smiled.

"You have a dimple. Here." Yoongi touched Jimin's right cheek where his dimple formed whenever he smiled and Jimin closed his eyes to the touch.

Yoongi should have pulled his hand away but instead, he placed his palm on the soft skin and grazed his thumb on Jimin's cheekbone.

He noticed the freckles that weren't there when they were in school. Jimin must have had to stay under the sun a lot in the time he disappeared from Yoongi.

"You look like you're going to kiss me." Jimin said, his voice barely a whisper.

"I might. Would that scare you?"

"I don't know."


"Maybe we can put it to the test."

Yoongi smiled. "Maybe." Leaning closer, Yoongi pulled Jimin's face towards him and stopped right before their lips touched. "We are kissing on the lips, right?"

Jimin giggled and leaned in on his own to place his lips on Yoongi's. It was just a peck and he pulled back a little.

"Was it scary?" Yoongi asked, the tingling had moved from his hands to his cheeks and lips.


Yoongi got closer to kiss him again, this time it went on for longer. Moving his lips slowly to capture Jimin's lower lip between his, Yoongi sucked on it a little and he heard Jimin hummed again.

Feeling bolder now, Yoongi licked between Jimin's lips to taste them. They still tasted like watermelon.

When Jimin moved his lips to match Yoongi's, he felt it was time to go deeper. Yoongi propped his body up a little with his elbow and hovered over Jimin, their lips still attached.

The hand that he kept on Jimin's cheek now slid downwards to the back of Jimin's head and he weaved his fingers through the soft hair.

Jimin moaned.

Yoongi could feel the small hair on his nape stood up.

"W-wait Yoo—"

Yoongi didn't wait. Instead, he pushed in his tongue as Jimin was trying to speak and explored Jimin's mouth, the younger gave in and moaned even more.

After long minutes of making out, Yoongi finally broke the kiss for air. Leaning his forehead against Jimin, he smiled. "Was that scary?"

Jimin who was still clutching onto Yoongi's shirt smiled too. "Little bit." He had to answer between panted breaths.

"How's your heart?"

"Feels alive."

"Jimin," Yoongi whispered. "Is it okay if I never move on?"

The younger smiled before nodding. "It's perfect."

Trash 쓰레기 {Yoonmin} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now