Trashed (Namjin) Pt 1

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"How good looking is his good looking?"

After cocking his head to the side and throwing a quick sceptical glance at his baby brother, Namjoon looked down again at his papers and frowned at the mistakes in the calculations by his assistant.

"Hyung," Taehyung whined and pulled Namjoon's chin up to focus on him, "he is super good looking. Like worldwide handsome."

Groaning, Namjoon pushed the hand away gently and focused back on his papers. "How can someone else be worldwide handsome when my own baby brother is worldwide handsome?"

It wasn't sarcastic. Far from it, Namjoon actually meant it. People can say he babied Taehyung too much but Taehyung was too cute not to be babied.


Namjoon didn't have to look up to know Taehyung was already pouting so he sighed and stopped writing just to face his brother. "Okay, fine. One date. Happy?"


Laughing softly, Namjoon shook his head at his brother, secretly loving the childishness he still had, even though he was already a high school teacher.

He knew Taehyung had been through a lot in his life, being ridiculed upon for being his brother - one was dubbed a genius professor, while the other settled upon being a teacher.

But Namjoon knew how much Taehyung actually wanted to be a teacher, to set an example to the kids, to give them a friend they could trust in the society where love without judgement was rare.

That part of Taehyung would always make Namjoon proud.

So when his brother came to him to set him up with his 'worldwide handsome' guy, he played along, because whatever Taehyung wants, Taehyung gets - from Namjoon anyways.

"Why you are so hell-bent in me dating again is beyond my understanding." Namjoon sighed out loud, flipping through the pages on his work desk again.

"Because it's about time you move on, don't you think?"

Pursing his lips, Namjoon nodded a little. Taehyung had a point.

Jackson and him happened a long time ago and although he had forgiven and forgotten, he simply couldn't find it in himself to start dating again.

It wasn't that he didn't need romancing.

It was the early stages of getting to know one another, the cringe-worthy greetings, the awkward moments of deliberating whether to call or to wait for the other to call.

Namjoon hated that.

If only this person Taehyung was going to introduce to him was someone who jumps into relationship, it would be perfect.

But Namjoon didn't get to find out.

The day before the date, his transfer to Scotland was at last finalized and he had to leave for the position at the university immediately.

He wouldn't have even remembered about the date if it wasn't for Taehyung sending the photo of the man, which he acquired from the man's younger brother.

Looking at the message attached with the picture, all Namjoon could think of was how Taehyung was right.

He definitely was 'worldwide handsome'.

Next to Taehyung, of course.

That was the moment Namjoon knew he should have said yes to the date sooner.


"So, tell me again." Namjoon proppes his chin on his arms, resting them on his thick reference book opened on his desk, looking expectantly at his new assistant.

"About?" The boy frowned in confusion.

"Your boyfriend's brother! Jin!"

Jimin laughed and shook his head. "He might not even be my boyfriend anymore, Professor Kim."

"Why won't you call him?" Namjoon watched the boy biting his lower lip and shrugging.

"I need to do something about myself first before I can actually continue to love him." Jimin whispered before straightening his posture and smiling, the previous sadness was skillfully hidden under the mask he wore so often.

Namjoon made a mental note to ask Jimin to talk to the counselor. The boy needed to channel his feelings out one way or another.

"Okay, so Jin hyung is tall - not as tall as you but close. He's so good at cooking and he seems to like it."

Namjoon could picture Jin in a kitchen, cooking.

"He takes care of his family, not just Yoongi, but his aunt who's living alone. Jin hyung cooks for their mother's death anniversary too."

Namjoon imagined helping Jin taking care of the responsibilities that no one asked him to, but he took them upon himself voluntarily.

"Did you know he fought for the custody? Even though he was still so young at that time, he wanted to be the one to take care of Yoongi."

Namjoon visualized Jin standing firm in front of authorities, telling them he was the best choice for Yoongi, proving his point until his face would go red with enthusiasm.

"You really like him, don't you, Professor Kim?"

Snapping out of his mental pictures, Namjoon smiled softly. "You know what, I think I do." Sighing before closing the thick book in front of him, Namjoon leaned back in his chair. "But," he dropped his head dejectedly, "he has a boyfriend now. And I missed my chance."


"What do you mean he's single now?"

Nodding at what he was hearing through the phone, Namjoon bit his lower lip in anticipation, his heart was hammering in his chest, making him breathed a little bit faster.

"Like, single single? Really single?"

The young professor smiled and sighed out loud. It felt as if the steel cage his heart was in was opened. It was still there of course, but at least the door was now unlocked.

If only there was a way for him to call the newly single man and not make it awkward.


"Hello, is this Professor Kim Namjoon?"

"This is he. How can I help you?" Namjoon quickly glanced at the unknown South Korean number on his phone screen again. It had been a while since he received a call from a Korean speaking person.

"I'm calling on behalf of my brother, well, not really on his behalf but someone has got to do something before I die watching both of them live their whole lives in misery."

So dramatic. "Both of them?"

"Yes. My brother, Yoongi and his supposed boyfriend, Park Jimin."

His brother Yoongi? No way...

"I'm Jin."

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