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"Get up!"

Yoongi sighed. He tried again. "Prez! Get up!"

Hoseok scrambled out of bed and sat on the floor, yawning. "What time is it?"

"It's..." Yoongi checked his watch. "...almost 8.30. I have a class at 9 which I believe you do too, since we're in the same one."

Yoongi watched as his friend's eyes grew big in panic and before he had to witness any drama, he left their dorm room.

It had been two years since he started college.

Three years since he last saw Jimin.

Out of all the colleges in South Korea, Hoseok got accepted into the same one.

And out of all the dorm rooms in the college, Hoseok was put into his.

Yoongi walked faster to his class, pushing through the sea of people who were late as well. Good thing it was still winter so strangers' body heat didn't affect him that much. He shuddered as he thought about summer. He had always dreaded summer.

Once seated in the auditorium, he took off his glasses and put them aside to take a nap while waiting for the professor.

"Is this seat taken?"

"No." Yoongi grumbled out, eyes still closed.


Yoongi frowned. The voice sounded so familiar.

Opening his eyes, his vision was still blurry so he rubbed at them before looking at the person next to him again.

"Hi Yoongs."

"How the fuck did you get here so quick?" Yoongi looked at his roommate.

Hoseok clicked his tongue. "Language, Yoongs. I ran. What else?"

The professor walked in and started his lesson.

Yoongi leaned towards Hoseok slightly to whisper. "I've been meaning to ask you. Is he famous?"


"Him." Yoongi covertly gestured towards their professor.

"Around here? Yeah. He's young and good looking."

"No I mean like famous famous."

"I don't think so. Why?"

"Don't know. His name's familiar." Yoongi narrowed his eyes towards the man standing at the front of the large hall.

"That means something since his name is pretty uncommon."


"I mean, how rare is the surname Jeon?"


That night, Yoongi lied in his bed to do what he always did for the past three years.

Send a message.

He tapped on a name and started typing.



Remember when I told you I think my professor's famous?

Prez said he's not.

But I swear I've heard his name before.

Anyways, I probably need to check my eyesight again.

The glasses I have now don't help as much.

I'll text you tomorrow.

I miss you.

Yoongi exited his messages and put away his phone.

He didn't need to wait for responses.

Jimin never replied to any of his texts.

Not once in those three years.

Nor did he pick up the calls.

For all he knew, the number might not even be Jimin's anymore.

Yoongi had thought to stop all this but if he did, it would seem as if Jimin never existed in his life and that scared him.

So Yoongi did what he thought was best for him,

He held on.

Trash 쓰레기 {Yoonmin} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now