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Everywhere Yoongi went on campus, he would always see Jimin.

He tried so hard to avoid the younger boy for few months but the universe kept on bringing them together. His eyes would always catch a glimpse of Jimin, leaving Yoongi to curse at the whatever was stringing them along together.

Until one day, he had had enough. Jimin probably did too.

Yoongi was innocently walking along the hallway to get to his next class. He was still early, as usual, so he took his time to languidly move among the swarm.

Spring was finally warm.

Yoongi hated it.

A student bumped against him and he in turn bumped against another. Yoongi turned to quickly mutter an apology but upon seeing the face, he muttered a curse instead and swung around to leave.

A hand suddenly grabbed his wrist and he had to stop.

"Hi Yoongi."

Rolling his eyes, Yoongi tried to pull his hand away but the grip was strong.

Was Jimin ever this strong?

Yoongi also noticed how Jimin's hand felt different. Rougher.

Sighing, Yoongi looked at Jimin. "I'm going to be late for class."

"No you won't."

Was Jimin ever this snappy?

"Look, if you want to talk, wait a couple of hours. I'll be done with class by then." Yoongi kept his eyes on Jimin who nodded and let his wrist go.

Two hours later, Yoongi was sitting on the bench near the tennis court on campus, Jimin sitting next to him.

"Spill." Yoongi wanted to keep his words at a minimum.

Jimin smiled and suddenly Yoongi felt like crying. Jimin no longer smiled like he once did. It was different now. It was more like a smirk, so cynical.

"You look good in glasses." The younger stated.

Yoongi stayed quiet.

"Would have been better if you'd send me a selfie once in a while."

Jimin smiled teasingly but Yoongi wanted nothing but the boy beside him to come clean. "Jimin, please."

"Okay." Jimin leaned forward and took a deep breath. "Three years ago I left for Busan, got to my grandmother's house and she died 3 days later. The first time I received your text was her wake."

Yoongi watched as Jimin breathed in and raked his hair back. He realized the younger's hair was now longer.

"Right after her funeral, some men came around the house asking for money. Apparently, grandma had a problem with gambling. She succeeded in raking in tons of debts - debts that mom had to pay for by selling everything we had."

Jimin let out a bitter chuckle. "Dad didn't want anything to do with it so he left. All we have left was grandma's house so we stayed there - still staying there. Mom farms now. Can you imagine it? My office worker mother working in the fields? I had to as well before I came here."

That explained the rough hands.

Jimin clasped his hands together and rested his elbows on his knees before looking at Yoongi. "I survived the rest of my difficult high-school years, thanks to you."

"What do you mean difficult?"

Jimin frowned. "A poor, geeky gay kid just moved into a new and strange small town. How can it not be difficult for me?"

Yoongi nodded. "What do you mean you survived it thanks to me?"

Staring off into the distance, Jimin answered quietly. "I kept to myself, talked to no one but the teachers occasionally, and did my work so I would be under the radar. Like what you did in school."

Yoongi frowned.

But Jimin smiled his smirk again.

"Like what you called a trash."

Trash 쓰레기 {Yoonmin} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now