Chapter One: Somebody to Love

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Nialls POV

Never in my life had I seen a girl like her. She was tall, blonde, thin with an athletic build and long toned legs. A dancer perhaps. That would explain her abundance of grace. In fact, everything she did looked like a dance. When she moved it was so fluid. I wanted to know her. Scratch that, I needed to know her. She was sheer perfection, even if I didn't know her name.

Zayn knew her. I'm not quite sure how, but I know that every time we came into this stupid store and she was standing there, hanging clothes on a rack or fixing hat displays, she would smile at him and wave.

“Hey Z!” she would always chirp happily at the sight of him. It made me want to punch his stupid face. I know what you're probably thinking, why am I so jealous of Zayn when I know he has a girlfriend and I know that it's not her. It's because I KNOW I’m not as good looking as he is. Yeah, I know I’m adorable, trust me I get that all the time. I'm innocent and romantic and so sweet and such a gentleman and blah blah blah fucking blah. But I'm not HOT like the other boys. They all have something that makes the girls go fucking wild.

Harry's got that whole, charming, green eyes, dirty boy thing going on. Girls love him because he's been around the block a few times, and even though that should gross them out, those stupid green eyes of his always make them melt. Fuck him.

For Louis, it's the funny guy thing. He may be the oldest, but he's such a prankster. Girls always love a guy who can make them laugh and show them a good time. Bastard.

Zayn's just mysterious, all quiet and brooding bad boy. That asshole. Just one look from his smoldering eyes and the girls are putty in his hands.

With Liam, it's the maturity thing. He's smart and focused. Girls want a boy who's on their level maturity wise. Plus he's got great abs and is easy on the eyes. Fucking dick.

And then there's me. Just Niall. Nothing special. I've got nothing on them. Which is why I find myself staring at her longingly from a distance every time we come here, too shy to say anything and too stupid to make a move. It's absolute torture. And probably the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me. And it happens all the mother fucking time.

Today was no different than yesterday or the day before. Zayn, Liam, Danielle and I walked in to Rags, the vintage clothes store that she works at, and I went straight for the hat rack, my usual spot, to watch her as she worked. Yeah, so maybe it WAS a little creepy, but it never really seemed to bother her. In fact, I’m not entirely sure she even noticed me. No one else ever did.

“You know, mate, you should really just go talk to her.” Zayn snickered behind me. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him. I don't really need this right now. He's constantly trying to push me to talk to girls. Doesn't he understand that girls aren't interested in me? I'm always in the friend zone with them. How could I not be. I mean, the list of Crappy Niall Qualities definitely outweighs the list of Awesome Niall Qualities. For instance, I have these ridiculous braces. Now, considering the alternative (i.e. my crooked teeth) I really shouldn't be complaining, but they make me look like a damn 14 year old. Add to that the fact that my hair NEVER wants to cooperate with me. I swear it's got a mind of it's own sometimes. I have this really obnoxious habit of laughing at inappropriate times too, like when someone dies or Liam is trying to be serious. I also swear A LOT. At concerts, in interviews, while watching TV, at football matches, in my sleep. All. The. Time. It drives my mum and Harry absolutely mad, but I just can't help it. Oh yeah and then there's the whole virgin thing. Not that I regret that. In fact, I actually really like that about myself. I know that I don't want to give myself to just any girl like Harry does. And the guys NEVER make me feel weird or stupid or anything about it. It's just that, the last time I actually did have a relationship with a girl, it ended because of that.

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