Chapter 13- Unhappy Ever After

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Stella's POV

I woke up the next morning to Niall's soft snoring in my ear and the smell of bacon wafting through the apartment. Louis was still asleep in front of me and Niall had his arms wrapped tightly around my waist from behind. Under any other circumstances, I probably would have been thrilled to be so close to him, to feel him holding me so tightly, but I was just too exhausted for the butterflies. I shifted out of his grasp and climbed out of the bed, leaving him there to roll over and pull Louis into the space I had just occupied. I giggled a little. It was incredibly cute to see my two best friends all cuddled up to each other, Niall, shirtless and spooning Louis. Niall buried his face in Louis hair and I knew I had to capture the moment. I pulled my phone out of my hoodie pocket and snapped a picture, before walking out the door and making my way into the kitchen. Harry was moving around quickly making breakfast, wearing only his boxers. What a dork, I thought quietly to myself.

“Hey Haz.” I said softly, trying to avoid scaring him. He was carrying a pan of cooked bacon and the last thing I wanted was to be covered in scalding hot grease. His eyes met mine sadly and he shrugged.

“Hello Stella.” He mumbled. I sighed. He was obviously upset with me for not telling him why Louis was so upset.

“Haz look I...”

“Stella, it's fine. I already know. Mum called me this morning to tell me. I.... I don't know what......” Before he could even finish, the tears started pouring down his cheeks. I grabbed the hot pan from his hands and set it down on the counter before pulling him into my arms and hugging him tightly. As close as I had become to Louis' family in the past few months, Harry had been his best friend for almost three years. He had spent so much time around the girls and I knew his heart was torn apart almost as much as Lou's was.

“Harry it's alright. It's gonna be alright.” I whispered soothingly in his ear.

“Hazza.” A husky Irish voice sounded from the doorway. I looked up to see Niall, in all his shirtless glory making his way over to us. He wrapped his arms around us and hugged us close to his body.

“I don't know how to handle this guys! Louis is my other half. He's my boo bear. He loved those girls more than anything in the entire world. What do I say to him? What do I say to Mark and Jay? I feel like everything is falling apart.” Harry sobbed into Nialls chest. I lifted his chin with my finger so that he was looking into my eyes, his own green ones red and puffy.

“Just be there for them. Support them through this. I know it's going to be hard, trust me I know, but all you can do is stick by his side and be his Hazza Bear like you always have been. He needs you now more than ever.” I told him. Niall wiped the tears from Harry's cheeks as Harry nodded, taking in my words.

“I'm going to go lay with him for a while. Breakfast is ready if you two want some.” he said softly as he pulled away from us and made his way out o the kitchen and into his best friend bedroom. Niall and I stared at each other for a few minutes before he pulled me back into his chest and I sighed heavily.

“My mum called me too. I can't believe it. Is Jay alright?” he asked me softly. I nodded.

“For the most part. I mean physically at least. She's really lucky to be alive. Mentally, she's an absolute wreck. She feel responsible.” I told him. “Louis does too. He wishes he wouldn't have told her that he was having problems with El. He thinks that if he would have kept it to himself then they never would have been in that car in the first place.” His grip on me tightened and I could tell that it broke his heart that his best friend blamed himself.

“Hello... Is anyone home?”

“Liam, you have a key mate, just use it.”

“But what if Louis and El are...... you know. Or Harry and Josh. I wouldn't want it interrupt. That would be so rude....”

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