Chapter 23- Part One: This Is My Confession

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Louis' POV

Something was going in. Whether good or bad, I wasn't quite sure but one thing I knew for certain: Harry Styles was up to something and I was going to find out what it was. It started the morning after we got to Holmes Chapel. I had woke up to a cold, empty space next to me and a post it note stuck to my forehead.


Be back in a few hours. Don't get too lonely without me.

Love you


P.S. Go look in Nialler's room

I'll admit, I didn't really think anything of Harry leaving at first. It was the first time he'd been to Holmes Chapel in months and I figured he wanted to see a few friends. I slipped out of bed and made my way into the bathroom that was connected with out room. I brushed my teeth and then studied myself in the mirror. My eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep and my neck was littered with love bites that had definitely not been there when we got in. Hopefully I wouldn't run into Anne at all before Haz got back from whatever it was he had been doing because I knew she would question where they came from and we hadn't told her about us yet. To be quite honest, I was nervous as hell. I knew that I shouldn't have been, Anne is like a second mother to me and we get on quite well, but she's not just my best mate's mum anymore. She's my boyfriend's mum now. The woman who gave life to my soul mate. Maybe even my future mother in law if I was lucky enough. Everything had changed. What if she didn't accept us as a couple. What if she would rather her son be with a woman. Despite everything Harry had said to me about not caring whether or not she accepts him as long as we're together, I know how close he is to Anne. If she did approve, if she tried to get him to be with a girl, would he listen, or would he defend me?

I tried hard to distract myself by thinking about the night before. How far we had gotten. It had started innocently enough, honest. We had just been talking after Stella had fallen asleep and when he started kissing my neck and from there.... well lets just say that his mouth was made for more than just singing. We didn't go all the way. Frankly, I was a little uncomfortable with the idea of complicating our relationship with something as intimate as sex when we'd only been together for a few days and we weren't sure where this would end up.

I smiled to myself in the mirror at the thought because, even though I wasn't ready to take that next step yet, Harry still managed to be such a trooper about it. I could tell that he was a little bit disappointed, but he didn't make me feel bad about it at all. Quite the opposite, actually, he managed to give me the best, most mind blowing blow job I’d ever gotten. I shivered at the memory and smirked at myself in the mirror before making my way back into the bedroom to pull on some clothes. Harry's Ramones shirt was laying on the floor by the bed and I immediately picked it up and pulled it over my head, thankful that it seemed to cover up most of the marks on my neck and collarbones. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and headed out the door and towards Nialler's room. Making sure to be as quiet as possible, I nudged the door open, stopping when it started to squeak and listening close to see if I had woken him up. Liam slipped into the hall from his bedroom and padded across the soft carpet over to where I stood, eying me curiously as I continued to push the door open.

“What are you doing, Lou?” He asked sleepily, stretching his arms over his head and yawning. He looked like a sleepy child. It was quite adorable actually. Last night, on the car ride up, after all the other boys, Stella and Perrie had fallen asleep, he had admitted to me that the reason Danielle hadn't come with us was because she had broken up with him. It surprised me, they I’vebeen together for so long and seemed so in love. From what he'd told me, the distance had always been hard for her to handle and we'd been so busy lately that she felt like she never saw him. She'd also met someone else, a university student who could be around much more than Liam could. They'd agreed to stay friends at first, but it hurt Liam to even talk to her so he just hadn't. It had only been a few days and the only other person who knew about it was Stella, he'd said, and he didn't really want the other lads to know because he didn't want everyone to feel like they had to be careful around him. I had insisted that Harry and I would try not to make him uncomfortable with our affection but he'd been adiment.

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