Chapter 23- Part Two:The Sun And The Moon

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Stella's POV 

"Soooooooo." I said awkwardly as Liam, Niall, Zayn, Perrie and I all sat together in a booth at the back of some cafe in downtown Holmes Chapel. 

"How do you think that's going?" Perrie asked. She literally took the words right out of my mouth. 

"I'm sure Jay is thrilled. She adores Harry and I'm not sure she was ever a big fan of Eleanor's to begin with." Liam told us. 

"How do you think Mark and Robin are taking it? They should all be at lunch by now, right?" Niall asked. 

"Marks pretty open minded. I think he kind of always thought Louis was a little bit less than straight to be honest." Liam said. 

"Yeah I mean, we all knew Louis was a little gay." Zayn added with a laugh. I rolled my eyes at him, but I honestly had to agree. Louis is definitely a little bit flamboyant. "I'm not so sure about Robin, though." 

"He loves Haz. I'm sure everything will be OK." Liam said thoughtfully. We all sat in silence for a few minutes just thinking about the whole situation. My eyes locked with Niall's over the table and he smiled at me, that heart melting smile that I absolutely adore. It made me want to remember everything, just like it always does. 

"Hey, guys. Guess what?" He said, after looking down at his phone. Everyone looked up at him curiously and his smile widened. "Got a message from Olly. He and Ed and Cher are coming up here tonight. They want us all to go out with them. What do you lot think?" 

"I'm up for anything." Zayn agreed as Perrie nodded along with him. 

"I suppose a night out couldn't hurt." Liam said. He definitely needed it too. Especially after what happened with him and Danielle. 

"Stell?" Niall asked me, eyebrow raised like he was challenging me to say no. I smirked at him. 

"Why not." I said. 


"We should probably make sure Haz and Lou want to go though." Zayn said. 

"Oh, I think they'll be a little busy tonight. Haz definitely has something planned for them." I told them all mysteriously. They begged me over and over to tell them but I kept it to myself. Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise....

Harry's POV 

To say that I was a little discouraged after what happened at lunch would be an understatement. In all honesty, I never really considered how much Robin's opinion on the whole thing meant to me until he wasn't saying anything. He's the closest thing I really have to a dad and I just want him to be proud of me. My dad's been pretty absent in my life for the most part. We see each other occasionally, and I love him a lot, but Robin has always really been the father figure for me. He taught me how to be a man. 

So there I stood, in front of the mirror in my mum's bedroom, preparing for the most nerve wracking night of my life, and I didn't have the support of the one man who really meant anything to me growing up. I tugged on the collar of my blazer and sighed as I stared at myself, trying to psych myself up. I hadn't really given Louis any details on where we were going or why, just that I wanted to take him out on a proper date seeing as we hadn't really had one since we'd been together. He seemed excited but nervous at the same time and I thought it was cute the way he kept asking for hints about what I had planned. 

"Oh, my baby. You look so handsome. Are you ready to talk to Jay and Mark before you go?" My mum cooed as she walked in the door. I let out a deep sigh. I had been pretty insistent on wanting to ask Jay and Marks permission before I proposed, but I was starting to become pretty terrified that they would say no. 

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