Chapter 24- I'd Sink Us To Swim

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Louis' POV

Marry me Louis.” He whispered the words so softly to me, but they rang out in my head almost as if he had screamed them. 'Marry me.' I stared into his big green eyes and let his speech wash over me. I know, in my heart, that he's the only one for me. I've been in serious relationships in the past, with Hannah and Eleanor, but never once did they evoke the same feelings inside of me that Harry does. No one has ever made my knees go weaker or the butterflies in my stomach flutter more furiously than he did. And I wanted, with everything in me, to say yes. My heart was screaming it. But for some reason, this rational part of my brain that I never even knew existed until this very moment was trying to take over. We're so young and there are so many things at stake here. I know he's it for me, but if management doesn't want us together, they could make us break up or kick us out of the band. I can't even imagine asking him to give up everything he loves just to be with me. I would. I know that if the situation arose and Pete or Nick looked me in the eyes and told me to choose between my career and Harry, there would be no hesitation. I would choose him in a heartbeat. But it would seem so selfish to ask him to do the same. This life we have, being able to go out on stage and sing to thousands of people and make music and tour, being able to sing every single day and night, it's all he's ever wanted in life. He's dreamed about it since he was a little boy. I remember so clearly, when we were on X-Factor, right before we got put together and he was told he didn't make it through just how devastated he was. We had only known each other for maybe a day or two, but we'd clicked instantly, and I could just see it in his eyes that his whole world was crumbling down around him. I can't take this all away from him and expect him to settle for a quiet life with just love to get him through his days. He doesn't know anything other than this. “Louis? Lou please answer me. I feel like an absolute idiot just sitting here like this. Please just say something.” he begged, breaking in to my thoughts. I bit down on my lip nervously.

Harry, I...” I started, but stopped when I realized that there was no possible way I could say no to those big green eyes and that lopsided smile. “Harry, I want to say yes. I do. More than anything in this world. But I don't want to ask you to give all of this up if we're forced to choose between being together and being in this band. That's not fair and I can't make you give up your dream..” I was cut off abruptly half way through my speech by his lips on mine. They moved slowly against mine, soft and comforting and I immediately calmed down as my mind blanked out the way it always did when harry was kissing me.

Boo, I would give up my life, my existence, for you. You really think giving up this band is going to be so heartbreaking for me. Don't get me wrong, I love the lads and I love making music, but if doing that means I can't love you too, then this life isn't worth it. Singing was my dream when I was a kid and I thought about what I wanted to do with my life. What I wanted to be when I grew up. But now, when I lay awake at night and think about those same things all I can think is that what I want to do with my life is love you. I want to be yours. That's enough for me. I don't want to give up the band because I love Liam and Niall and Zayn so much and can't imagine life without them, but if that's what I have to do to be able to wake up every morning with you in my arms, to be able to get married and have kids and grow old together with YOU, then I’ll do it without a second thought. You're all I need in life, Louis. We could be homeless and poor, living in a van under a bridge and it would be enough for me as long as I have you. So if that's why you're scared to say yes, then don't be. Please.” he explained. The way that he looked at me in that moment, like I was the only person in the world, it made me realize just how much I hate 'Rational Louis'. He's a really downer. I dropped his hands from mine and grabbed his face, pulling it close and crashing out lips together.

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