Chapter :I Should Have Kissed You

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Stella's POV

“Sooooooo How was your date?” Jess asked as she walked in the door around 11:30 that night. I had been home for four whole hours by myself, wallowing in my absolute misery. The day had gone really well and Niall and I had had so much fun until the end. I had thought he might finally kiss me, but once again he just walked away. What in gods name am I doing wrong? Why doesn't he like me? I thought he did the whole day, he kept making excuses to touch me and be close to me, but just like that it was all gone.

“Ugh! I really don't want to talk about it. I'm just going to sit here in my sweats with a bowl of ice cream OK.” I grumbled.

“Well if it makes you feel any better, I ran into Conner today. He's really excited to hang out with you tomorrow.” She told me. Conner. I had forgotten all about him. Suddenly I didn't feel so sad about Niall anymore. I mean, obviously Niall was the one I wanted to be with, but I did like Conner and he actually did like me back.

“You know what Jess, I think I might call him.” I told her. I quickly pulled my phone out of my hoodie pocket and dialed his number. When I had gotten home, I instinctively reached for Niall's hoodie, but I was too upset to put it on, despite the fact that it was the most comfortable thing I’d ever worn and it smelled like heaven. I just couldn't bear to be that close to him.

“Hey Stella. I was just thinking about you.” I heard his voice say from the other end of the phone.

“Hey Conner look I’m really sorry that I’ve been so weird lately. I just wanted to let you know that I can't wait to see you tomorrow.” I said. It wasn't a complete lie. Conner was a really nice guy and I did like him. But I did really feel like I was using him as a distraction.

“I can't wait either. Look Stella, I know we've only known each other for a few weeks but I just really feel like we have a connection. I was going to ask you this tomorrow, but I just can't wait. I want you to be my girlfriend. Will you?” I was speechless. This was something I wasn't expecting and, as much as I wanted to distract myself from the fact that Niall didn't like me like that, I really didn't want to say yes. To bad my mouth wasn't as caught up with my brain.

“Yeah sure.” I heard myself saying before I could stop myself. Uh oh.

“Oh wow. This is so awesome. Stella you're amazing you know that. Look I gotta get to bed but I’ll call you in the morning. Night!” He seemed so excited. I should really just be happy about this. So I let it go.

“Night Conner.” I whispered before hanging up. I buried my head in my arms against the table. What have I done? I'm going to string this poor nice guy along when I have feelings for someone else? Maybe it will be a good thing, but what if it isn't? What if I can't get over my feelings and just be happy? My thoughts were broken by my phone playing an Usher song. That would be Zayn. “Hello?” I groaned as I pulled myself up out of the kitchen chair and trudged to my room. I threw myself down on the bed.

“What's you're problem love?” He asked me curiously.

“I made a mistake. A big one.” I sighed.

“And that is?” He asked.

“Conner asked me to be his girlfriend. And I said yes.”

“Stella why? I thought things were going well with you and Niall?” He sounded a little pissed and I really couldn't blame him. Zayn and I had been close for years, but he and Niall were together all the time. They were like brothers.

“Zayn we spent the whole day together and he didn't do anything. I don't know what his deal is but he obviously doesn’t' like me the way we thought. What's the point of wasting my time on someone who doesn't feel the same. Maybe I don't like Conner as much as Niall, but I can grow to love him right? It happens all the time.” I snapped. I didn't really feel like listening to him bitch about it. He was clearly wrong.

“Stella he's nervous. He doesn't get a lot of attention from pretty girls like you.”

“Zayn he flirted with me all day and then just waved at me when he dropped me off. I didn't even get a hug or anything. That's not the way someone acts when they like you. Maybe you were wrong OK. Maybe he just wants to be friends.” I told him.

“Stella, you know that's just ridiculous. Maybe you're right, maybe he doesn't like you like that, but you think being friends with him is going to make you feel better? You think seeing him on a regular basis is going to make your crush go away?” he lectured. I sighed. He was right but I didn't really care. Even if Niall didn't like me, I really enjoyed spending time with him. He was fun and funny and sweet and he made me feel a lot less insecure about myself, which was ironic since he was so famous and every girl in the world wanted a piece of him, including girls 100 times more beautiful than me.

“Zayn, I love you. You're like my brother and your friends are amazing. I don't want to miss out on getting a chance to get to know all of them because of a silly little crush.” I sighed again.

“You're stubborn you know that? I really hate that about you, but that's why you're my best friend. And don't think that I’ve forgotten that you now suddenly have a boyfriend. I have to meet him and you know that.” He said matter-of-factly.

“I know Zayn. You will. Don't worry about it. I have to go, Conner and I are hanging out early tomorrow. I'll call you later.” I told him. We said our goodnight and hung up. I changed out of my sweats into a pair of shorts and pulled my thin purple hoodie over my head, replacing it with Niall's big blue one. I snuggled into my bed, pulling the blankets over my head and fell asleep, wondering why life couldn't be easier.

Niall's POV

“She WHAT!” I snapped at Zayn the next day.

“She has a boyfriend now.” He told me honestly. In retrospect, it really wasn't any of my business, except for the fact that I had a really awesome date planned for us on Friday where I was finally going to kiss her. Why didn't I just do it the first night we met like I wanted to! “Look Ni, for the life of me, I can't figure out why you didn't make a move on her. It was obvious that she liked you and you just blew it. It's too late now. I've already tried to talk her out of it and she won't budge.”

“But, I.... Fuck! What the bloody hell is wrong with me Zayn! Why does this always happen to me? I'm so stupid!” I yelled. He put his arm around my shoulder trying to comfort me.

“Look, she really wants to be friend with you. She does like you a lot. Maybe you can fix this. Maybe you can change her mind.” He told me softly. “It'll be OK, Niall. I promise. They probably won't even last. She's told me a lot about this guy. So has her friend Jess. He seems like a massive douche. Which isn't really all that surprising considering the guys she's gone for in the past.”

“Not helping mate.” I sighed.

“Well on the bright side, she hasn't called to cancel your plans for tomorrow. She really does want to be your friend. You can handle that for now right?” He asked.

“Yeah. I mean I guess so. I don't really have a choice now do I?”

A/N Ughhh I know it's super short compared to my other chapters but I've gotten nothing from anyone as far as feedback. Do you guys even like this story? Can someone jusst comment? I love this story so much and I work really hard on it but I feel like I'm wasting my time. Please please please leave me some comments or something.

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