Chapter 19- no guarentees

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Niall's POV 

My chest tightened at the sound of her words. 'Who is he?' I couldn't breath. Everything around me went completely still. My vision was blurry. I couldn't hear a thing other than her words repeating over and over in my head. How could she forget me? 

"No." I breathed. "No. No. No. NO!" One of the boys grabbed me by the waist as I started screaming and dragged me out of the room. "NO! This can't be happeneing. I can't.... NO!" I sobbed. Harry pulled me into his chest, rubbing my back soothingly. 

"Niall, babe it's going to be ok. Just calm down. Breath for me please ok? Deep breaths. She just woke up. Give her some time to get a grip on things. Just relax babe." He said soothingly. I gripped his shirt tightly in my fists, trying to control the tears but I just couldn't. Another, smaller hand started rubbing my back along with Harry's. 

"Nialler, the doctors are tending to her now. Haz and I are going to take you to get something to eat, ok babe? Come on, up you go." Louis said. I allowed them to pull me to my feet and followed them blindly towards the lift, where I promptly broke down again as the doors closed. 

Stella's POV (Yeah! She's back bitches!) 

What the fuck? My head was pounding. My whole body was sore. Well obviously, I mean I havent used it for..... Wait how long was I out? 

"Zayn?" I called out. It had been about half an hour since I'd woken up and I wasn't quite sure where he went after the doctors and nurses came in, poking and proding me. 

"Stella? Love i'm right here." I heard his voice coming from my right side and then I felt his hand slip into mine. 

"Zayn what's going on?" I asked him curiously. 

"Like I said, you were in an accident. You were talking to Niall and somehow ended up in the middle of the street. Honestly i'm a little hazy on the details, but a car came out of no where and hit you. You've been in a coma for...." he looked down at his watch, about to continue when he was inturrupted by another voice. 

"Sixteen days." I looked up to find the blonde boy who was in here earlier standing in the doorway. He looked heartbroken, tears filling his big beautiful blue eyes and his voice cracking as he spoke. 

"Are you Niall?" I asked softly. When i'd woken up earlier, he had seemed so upset that I didn't know him and I didn't want to see that look in his eyes again, but I needed to know. He took a few steps towards me and sat down in the empty chair next to my bed. I felt Zayn's hand slip out of mine and i'm pretty sure I heard him leave, but I wasnt' really paying attention. I was far too mesmerized by the blue eyed angel sitting in front of me. He nodded slowly in response to my question. "Can you tell me what happened?" He sighed. 

"We were talking. Um I wouldn't say arguing or anything... Erm, you took off across the street and then I said...... erm..... something and you stopped. And that's when the car hit you." I nodded slowly at him, trying to take it all in. "What did the doctors say?" he asked suddenly. 

"Um, that i'm fine. That they thought my foot was broken but it's just sprained and should be fine in a few days. And that I have amnesia." he winced as I said the word and I couldn't figure out why. "Are you alright?" I asked. 

"Yeah, just knackered." 

"You're lying. You're not very good at it either. What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" 

"No Stella, calm down. It's just.... We're..... Friends. It's just hard. Do you remember anything?" before I could answer the door opened and Zayn walked back in with the three other boys who had been in here earlier, along with a girl that hadn't been there when I woke up. 

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