Chapter 11- We're Marching On

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Here it is loves. The long awaited chapter 11. The song that Stella sings at the end is called We’re Marching On by OneRepublic. It’s such a great song and i truly recommend you all listening to it. It’s pretty awesome. After this, the drama is going to start. And let me tell you there is a LOT of it. No one is safe. You’ve been warned. Hope you guys enjoy it. Also one of my ideas involves bringing another girl in. I won’t tell you what the premise of the idea is but i will say that i want to give you guys the chance to be a part of this. So if you’re interested in being that charactor, send me a message and let me know. Please please please include your name, a picture or physical description so i know what you look like, and also a description of your personallity. If i pick you, i’ll let you read the parts of the story you’ll be featured in before anyone else. I’m not sure if it will be a few chapters or just one but i’ll let you know.

One last thing before you get to reading: Please check out my other two fan fictions, More Than This and Time Bomb and let me know what you think. I’ve got some cool stuff coming up in both of them and would looooooooove you all forever if i could get some feedback on what you like and don’t like about them. Thanks Loves!!! 

Now, without further ado……..

Niall's POV

“Yeah. Let's talk....” I opened the door to my flat and she followed me inside. Why did I agree to this? This is going to be so embarrassing and awkward. What do I even say to her. “So about... you know, this morning...” she started, refusing to look in my eyes.

“Yeah, um we should probably just forget about it. You know, pretend it didn't happen?” It was the easiest route to take. I surely couldn't tell her that I liked it. Then what is she going to say? Her eyes finally met mine and she looked almost..... Disappointed Was that the emotion in her eyes? No it couldn't be.

“Um, yeah. You're right. That's, um, exactly what I was thinking. No need to, uh, tell anyone. Or ever talk about it. It was just a mistake. A lapse in judgment.” She said softly. Her words stung. Is that what she thinks of me? That I’m just a lapse in judgment? No Niall. That's not what she meant.

“Yeah. Right. A mistake. Well is that all then? The lads and I have to get to the studio.” I tried my best not to sound bitter, but judging by the look on her face, I’m positive that I failed.

“Um.....yeah... I’ll just go then.” she whispered sadly. She turned around and started for the door, her eyes trained on the floor. I felt awful. I love this girl with all my heart and now she's upset because of me.

“Stella....” I sighed and she stopped. I walked up to her and spun her around, pulling her into my arms and hugging her tightly. She wrapped her arms around my waist, burying her face in my neck and I felt her body shake against mine. Was she crying?

“Niall I don't want this to ruin everything. You're my best friend. I love you. Please don't hate me. Please. I'm so sorry.” she sobbed. My heart broke into pieces at the crack in her voice as she begged for my forgiveness. I kissed the top of her head and tightened my grip around her.

“Stella it's OK. Everything is OK. I love you, don't worry.” I whispered. I held her for a few minutes, not having the strength to let her go, until there was a knock at my door.

“Niall? Are you ready to go?” I heard Harry call out as the lock clicked and the knob turned. He pushed the door open and walked inside, catching sight of us quickly. Stella pushed away from me, wiping her eyes quickly before turning around to face Harry, obviously not wanting him to know that she had been crying. “Oh hey Stella.” he said happily, like he'd had no idea that she'd come to see me.

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