Chapter 20- You've Begun to Feel Like Home

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Louis' POV

“So why am I not going to my own apartment again?” Stella asked me and Niall for the four hundredth time. I was trying, really really trying, to be patient with her because I knew she didn't remember much. After a long talk the night before I started to realize that there wasn't a specific point at which she stopped remembering her life. It was hit or miss. She remembered me and Zayn and her dad, but none of the rest of her family and friends. She remembers her mum as well, but doesn't seem to remember what happened to her. She remembers moving to London, but not when or why and she doesn't remember much about her life before she got here, only bits and pieces of her childhood. It was MUCH worse than Zayn and I had thought, than even the Doctors had thought. And to be quite honest, it was concerning.

“Because... Look Stel, love, it's a long story ok. And we are, but only to fetch your things. You're staying with Harry and I while we figure this whole thing out so we can look after you. And before you roll your eyes and give me that pouty I-don't-need-a-babysitter look, you've no say in the matter. I've already spoken with your father and he agrees with me.” I explained. We'd been having this argument off and on for the last 12 hours, but by the look of defeat in her eyes, it was clear to me that I had finally won. Not that it mattered. She didn't really have a choice.

“Fine. But.... can you just give me something? You haven't told me anything Lou and I just need something. I told you everything I remember, which obviously isn't much at all, but you just.... You havn't given me anything. Please? I mean there are a million things you could tell me.” she was begging now and I couln't really keep resisting it any more. With a heavy sigh, I FINALLY agreed to answer a few of her questions, despite the fact that the lads and I had agreed not to tell her anything until we had discussed it first.

“What do you want to know first?”

“Am I in school? I think I remember being in collage before moving here. Did I transfer or something?”

“No. You have a job though. It's at this plce called Rags. It's like a really cool, vintagy, hipster clothing store.” I told her. She nodded, an impressed look on her face.

“What about a boyfriend? I don't remember having one but I feel like.... Um... Do I have one?” Well that was just a little weird.

“No. You, erm, you had just broken up with your boyfriend the night of the accident.” I explained.

“Niall?” she whispered, so that the blonde boy couldn't hear. I shook my head violently.

“No, no no. You and Niall are, um, just friends. You were dating a guy named Conner. He wasn't a very good boyfriend.” Niall huffed loudly and I sighed again. This was harder than I thought. “Look, maybe this is a bad idea. We'll talk about this later, yeah? Come on, we're here anyways. Lets go inside and get your things and then be off. She nodded, albiet reluctantly, and followed me in getting out of the car. We had barely made it to the door of the building when I heard a sickeningly familiar voice behind us.

“Stella?” I whipped around to find Conner walking towards us. Shit.


“What are you doing here Conner?” I growled. He put his hands up defensivly as he came to a stop right in front of us.

“Easy Louis. Don't bite my head off. I just came to talk to my girlfirned.” For a second I thought he was maybe talking about Jess, until I caught him looking at Stella with a feigned look of regret in his eyes. I may be a singer, but I'm an actor at heart and I can spot fake emotions from a kilometer away.


“She's not your girlfriend anymore. Now, if you'd be so kind as to leave, we'll be on our way.” I snapped.

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