Chapter 22- Homesick at Space Camp

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Louis' POV 

It was early. Somewhere around half 3 in the morning. Way too early for me to be awake, but I just couldn't sleep. I'd been having nightmares almost every night since my sisters accident and they had only been getting worse after Stella's. I had thought sleeping with Harry every night would help. Before we were together, anytime I would ever have a bad dream, I would always crawl into his bed in the middle of the night and fall right to sleep, and honestly, it had helped a little, having him there with his arms wrapped around me every night. The only problem was that Stella didn't know about our relationship yet, so every night, he would have to stay out on the couch until we thought she was asleep before he would come in to bed with me. I'm not entirely sure why we hadn't told her about us yet. I was sure she wouldn't be upset or anything. I think we just didn't really want to confuse her any more than she already was. But it was seriously killing me. Harry and I have never really been good at staying away from each other, even before all of the feelings were involved, and since we'd been together, we could barely keep our hands off of each other. Not in a sexual way, of course, we hadn't gotten that far yet. But Haz and I are like magnates. I always felt this pull towards him and now that he's mine, it's stronger than ever. Which is why when he came shuffling into the kitchen I wasn't surprised. 

"It's too cold in bed without you, love. What's wrong? Is it the nightmares again?" He asked softly, pouring himself a cup of tea from the pot I had just finished making and coming towards me where I sat on the counter sipping from my own mug. He stopped right in front of me, standing between my legs and pecking me on the lips before taking a sip. I shrugged in response to his question. "I'm sorry. I hate seeing you like this. It kills me. You look so tired and stressed all the time and all I want to do is try to make everything better." I smiled down at him, taking his tea from him and setting both out cups on the counter before snaking my arms around his shoulders and pulling him close. He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck. 

"You do make everything better. You don't have to try." I told him, kissing his hair. He pulled back and looked me in the eyes. 

"Would it help if we told her? About us, I mean? Maybe it would make things a little less stressful. We wouldn't have to hide or hold back as much. I mean, I know that we still have to be careful in public and that's fine, but we shouldn't have to be that way with our friends too." He had a good point. Part of my frustration was because I couldn't cuddle up to him whenever I wanted, or kiss him whenever I wanted. I was fine with the separation when we were out where the paparazzi and fans could see us, at least until we came out to management and figured out what our options were, but hiding from my best friend was killing me too. 

"I think it would. I'm sorry I haven't told her I just...." 

"It's OK Boo. I understand. Things are complicated for her right now. She's lost. I'm not upset that you haven't. I just don't know if I can continue to keep my hands off of you." He winked at me, a cheeky smirk plastered on his face and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him. He was so damn cute sometimes it hurt. 

"We'll tell her tomorrow." I promised and his smirk grew into a full blown grin. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine gently before picking up his tea again. 

"I was thinking...." He started after a few minutes silence. 

"Well that's never good. Don't hurt yourself Haz." I teased and he shot me a playful glare. 

"Wanker. Anyways, I was thinking that maybe we could all go to Holmes Chapel tomorrow night and stay for a few days. You know just get away from everything for a few days. Stay in the bungalow, just the six of us and Dani and Perrie. Plus it's been awhile since I've seen mum and Gem and they really should meet you." 

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