Chapter 14- The Accident

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Niall's POV

The text came right as I was getting out of the shower.

Stella: “I really need you to pick me up from work.”

Me: “Is everything alright?”

Stella: “I had a really bad day at work. I just really need my best friend OK.”

Me: “Stel, what's wrong?”

Stella: “Nialler please I need you.” I had never received a text like this from her and I was starting to get concerned. I dressed quickly in sweats and and a sleeveless shirt, shoving my feet into my supras as I grabbed my car keys and headed out the door. I needed to get to her as quickly as possible. Despite the fact that she and Conner were still together and I knew that I should get over her, I couldn't. I would still do anything for her. I would walk through fire for that girl just to see her smile. I sped through the streets of London until I pulled up in front of Rags to find her standing outside finishing a cigarette. Hopping out of the car as quickly as I could, I walked around to where she stood and pulled her into my arms.

“Hey.” She breathed. The sadness in her voice was evident and it broke my heart to hear it.

“Hi, love.” I said into her hair. She pulled away and I opened the passenger door for her, then walked to my side and got in, starting the car and pulling away. We drove in silence. I wanted so badly to ask her what was wrong, it had to be more than just a bad day at work. It wasn't too long before we pulled up in front of her building and we were walking up the two flights of stairs. She stopped in front of the door, her hand on the handle. She turned around to face me. The look on her face was one I had never seen before.

“Niall.” she whispered, tears streaming down her face. “Promise me you wont leave. Promise me that when I open this door and walk inside, you'll be out here waiting for me. I need you to promise me this because I know that when I walk through this door I’m going to need you to be out here to catch me when I fall.”

“I promise. I'll be right here until you tell me to leave.” I said softly in her ear. I honestly had no idea what we were about to find on the other side of that door, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to find out.

Stella's POV

I took a deep breath and opened the door. I knew what was behind it. I pushed it opened to find my best friend and my boyfriend devouring each others faces. He had been cheating on me the entire time we had been together. I knew this for a fact. I'd found out a week before, right after Louis' sisters funeral, but I had my suspicions for a few weeks. I just didn't want to believe it until I had proof. So today I had texted Jess telling her I wasn't off until 9 when I really was off at 7. I knew they would be together.

“Oh my god Stella!” Jess yelled as she pulled her mouth away from Conner’s. “I'm so so so....”

“Save it.” I told her. It was all i could say. I stormed past her to my bedroom and grabbed my black tote bag, shoving clothes inside, before walking out of my room and back out the front door, slamming it shut. I leaned back against the wall and slid down to the floor, tears streaming down my face. Niall was still there as promised and he sat down next to me, wrapping his bare arms around me and holding me tightly, something I so desperately needed.

“Stella, baby it's going to be OK. I promise.” he whispered into my hair.

“Niall please just take me away from here. Take me anywhere I really just don't care anymore. Just get me out of here.” I told him sadly. He did exactly what I asked. He always did. He was the perfect best friend. Always thinking about my feelings and comforting me when I was upset. 10 minutes later we were sitting on the couch in he flat. His arms were once again wrapped around me. “I don't understand. I just want to be good enough for someone for once.” I cried.

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