Chapter 9- The Sleepover

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Niall's POV

“Hey Nialler can I come over for a bit? Jess has some boy over so I told her that I would stay somewhere but Conner is out with his friends, Zayn's is in Bradford and Louis is in Doncaster.” Stella asked me through the phone.

“Of course Stell. You know you're always welcome here.” I replied. Of course I wanted her there. I loved having her around. It's been a three since we met and she had quickly become one of my best friends. Whenever she wasn't with Conner she was with me or Louis. All of us boys had welcomed her into our group so fast. The cool thing about Stella is that she was similar too each of is some way or another. She was polite and sweet just like Liam. Everything was always “please” and “Thank you” with her and Liam absolutely adored her for that. He thought she would be a good influence on all of us boys. But she had a childish side like Louis, which is why the two of them got along almost better than he did with Harry. They would play pranks on everyone and just generally act like complete and total goofballs. She was also incredibly charming in the same way that Harry was. I had come to the conclusion that that was a green eyes thing. They both had the same exact green eyes, although I found hers infinitely more attractive. One look in them and she could get you to do anything she wanted. Like Zayn, she was deep, sensitive, emotional. She could be moody and mysterious and she liked to sleep a lot. Her and I were similar in a few ways. She, like me, always had the itch to play music. If there was an instrument in the room she had to play it. She was also pretty athletic which came in handy when none of the lads wanted to play late night football. I'll admit, she was much better than me, something I would never tell the boys. And she was constantly laughing. She found the most ridiculous things amusing in the same way that I did and her laugh was infectious. Suffice it to say that being around her was like a drug for me. I could never get enough.

“Aw thanks Ni. I'll be over soon.” she giggled before hanging up. Ten minutes later she was at my door, looking perfect as always in her black skinny jeans and a white loose fitting v-neck. I could see the tattoo she had recently gotten just below her collarbone peaking out under her shirt. Her hair was wavy as usual and she had on one of my old beanies that she had stolen a few weeks back. I pulled her into my arms, hugging her tightly,burying my face in her hair and breathing in her scent. God she was perfect, it was almost too much to stand.

“Hey” she said with a laugh as I refused to let go. “It's nice to see you too Ni.”

“Hi.” I giggled into her neck. She pushed me off, rolling her eyes.

“You're such a dork.” I pouted at her, disappointed at the loss of contact as I followed her to my couch, shutting the door behind us.

“Wanna watch a movie?” it was an excuse. I was grasping at straws. I needed to be able to touch her. To hold her. And cuddling on the couch watching movies was the only way that would happen. The thing that I loved the most about Stella, the thing that drove me the most insane, was how affectionate she was with me. It was really only when we were alone, or just with the guys, because obviously she had a boyfriend and didn't want the entire world to think we were dating or something, but I was OK with it as long as I got the opportunity to feel her skin on mine. She had no idea what those small moments did to me.

“Yeah sure. Can we watch Anchorman though? I still can't believe you've never seen it.” she agreed with a laugh.

“Stella I don't even have it.” my eyes rolled instinctively at her forgetfulness. She reached into the large tote bag she had set next to the couch.

“Why do you think I brought it with me then?” she smirked. This girl was good, that was for sure. I took the DVD from her and popped it into my DVD player before settling myself on the left side of the couch, as far away from her as possible, wanting to see the pout I knew was coming cross her face. Sure enough, she pushed her bottom lip out and stared at me with sad eyes, silently begging for me to come closer. I smirked at her, not giving up that easily. I needed to prove to myself that I was stronger than the feelings she evoked in me. She sighed loudly, finally giving in, and shifted closer to me, leaning her back into my chest, and I rested my chin on the top of her head, wrapping my arm around her waist. She cuddled close as the movie started. It was actually pretty funny. I had never really been a big Will Farrell fan, but I think she was starting to convert me. I felt her body shake with laughter along with mine throughout the movie, enjoying the sounds she made. She really did have the cutest laugh I had ever heard. Conner really didn't deserve her. They fought all the time, I know because I’ve heard it. He'd call her a million times whenever she was out with me and the other lads. She would ignore it for a while but finally she'd huff and answer the phone. What ensued after were usually some of the worst arguments I had ever heard. It reminded me of my parents right before they split. I was little, only five when they divorced, but I can still remember the raging fights they used to get into. They, thankfully, get along fine now that they aren't together, they just weren't right for each other. And Conner wasn't right for Stella. I was. I also really hated the way he treated her. I knew from talking to Zayn about him that he had been after her for a while, so I was surprised to see that he really didn't seem to care all that much about her feelings when they were around each other. He was a typical LA type, which wasn't all that surprising considering that's where he grew up. He always wanted to be the center of attention and reveled in the idea of girls hanging all over him, even if they did so right in front of his incredibly understanding girlfriend. He would constantly make comments about her looks and in the entire 2 months they had been dating, I don't think I had ever heard him tell her she was beautiful, something I never missed an opportunity to say to her. Ever since I’d known her she had been insecure, and he didn't help at all.

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