Chapter 16- Can You Hear Me?

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Niall's POV

It took another hour before Stella's dad and Dr. Miller came back out. As soon as I saw them I immediately jumped up and rushed towards them. I thought I saw a hint of a smile on Mr. Jones' face, but shrugged it off. He didn't even know me so that would really make no sense.

"You boys can go see her now. Bare in mind that she is in a coma. It is possible that she may be able to hear you, but as I said before, we're not quite sure what's causing it. Now, I can't allow all five of you in at once. So you can either go in pairs or on your own. It's up to you. Her room is down the hall first door on your left. Room 750." Dr. Miller told us. We all turned to each other, ready to discuss how we would do this.

"I'd like to go alone of that's alright." I whispered. I needed to see her by myself, to hold her hand and cry and admit everything, even of she couldn't hear me, without any one else present. Harry nodded.

"I'll go with Lou." he said, gazing down at the brunette boy attached to his side.

"And I suppose Zayn and I will go together." Liam said. "Nialler I think it's best if you go last. You'll want to stay the longest and rest of us should be going soon. We have a radio interview early tomorrow. We can make an excuse for you if you'd like to just stay here." he added softly, placing a hand on my shoulder. I nodded. He was absolutely right, I was all set and ready to stay here all night. So again I sat and waited as Liam and Zayn, and the Harry and Louis went into her room, each pair spending around half an hour inside before coming out with tears In their eyes.

Liam's POV

Zayn and walked slowly towards Stella's door. It was obvious to me that Zayn was taking this just as hard as Louis was. He had known her the longest out of all of us. He stopped short right in front of the door and reached down for my hand.

“Liam, I don't know if I can do this.” He whispered so softly that I just barely heard him over the hum of the florescent lighting above us. I gave his hand a light squeeze.

“Zayn, you can.” I told him, trying to be as reassuring as possible. He shook his head violently, turning to face me.

“No. Li I can't. I've been terrible to her lately. I've barely even spoken to her because I’ve been so bloody caught up in missing my girlfriend. And all I want to do right now is apologize and I can't even do that because she's in a bloody coma.” he said, tears beginning to form in his eyes. I've never really seen Zayn like this before. It was almost terrifying. He was always so reserved, especially with his feelings. I pulled him into a tight hug.

“Z, it's OK. I understand. And Stella probably does too. But you can still apologize. Remember what the doctor said? She might be able to hear you? I bet it's true. I bet she can and I bet that if you do it, when she wakes up, she'll tell you that she loves you and that no matter what you guys are going to be friends because she understands. Now come on, lets get in there. I have some things I’d like to say to her too.

Zayn's POV

Liam's right. I really needed to just buck up and walk in that door, tell her all the things I feel and how sorry I am for being so horrible to her. I slowly pushed the door open and walked into the room, taking in the sight of her. Seeing her lying there made my stomach turn. I pulled the chair leaning against the wall up to her bedside and took her hand.

“Stella, babe, I love you so much. I hope you know that. I'm so sorry. So damn sorry. I've been a down right arse to you lately and you didn't deserve it. I was just moody and missing Perrie and I treated you like dirt. Oh god S please get better. Please wake up soon. I need my partner in crime back. I need to know that we're still OK and still best friends.” I wiped the tears from my cheeks and glanced back at Liam before looking back down at her and kissing her hand. “I love you baby girl. I'll be back tomorrow OK. And every day after that until you get better.” I whispered. I pushed myself out of the chair and walked over to Liam, pulling him into a hug before leaning against the wall and allowing him to take the seat I had just occupied.

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