Chapter 21- Memories

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Stella's POV

“Sooooo... Tell me things. Please? Tell me about your band. Are you good? Are you famous? What kind of music do you make?” I tossed questions at the boys relentlessly. It had been three days since I'd been home from the hospital and they weren't telling me anything at all. When I asked Louis about it, he said it was because they wanted me to be able to get adjusted to our living situation first. I'm not really sure what I needed to adjust to but I didn't really feel like arguing at the time so I didn't push it. But I was starting to get impatient. Really, I just wanted to finally figure out what my relationship with Niall was. I felt differently about him than the other boys. Now we were sitting in his apartment, Harry and Louis curled up on the loveseat, Zayn and Liam both sitting on the floor, and Niall and I taking up the couch.

“Well, not to brag or anything, but we ARE one of the biggest boy bands to come out of the UK in years.” Liam stated proudly.

“So you're famous! That's so awesome. I wanna hear some of your songs. Please guys!” I begged. Niall laughed, something I've never heard before, well at least not that I can remember, and it was possibly the cutest sound I’ve ever heard.

“I'll go get Up All Night.” he told the other boys and they all nodded in agreement. He ran out of the room only to come back a few minutes later with a CD in his hands. He dropped it into his DVD player and pushed the play button. “I'm going to put it on shuffle.”

“I'm broken. Do you hear me? I'm blinded cause you are everything I see.....”

“Who's that?”

“That's Liam.” Louis told me. I smiled brightly down at Liam.

“You're voice is really nice Liam.” A deep red blush covered his cheeks at my compliment.

“When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight, it just don't feel right....”

“That's me!” Harry exclaimed excitedly. Louis rolled his eyes and gave him a loving pat on the head.

“”Aw Haz you're voice is so manly!” I cooed, before realizing what I had called him. His jaw dropped a little as he stared at me.

“You called me Haz!” He squealed. Zayn reached over and paused the music and I found five pairs of eyes staring at me excitedly.

“Um..... Yeah I..... It just seemed right. I don't know.” I mumbled, embarrassed.

“Stell, do you remember something about Harry?” Liam asked, placing his hand on my knee and giving it a gentle squeeze. I thought for a moment to see if anything came to me, only to have a memory flash through my mind.


“Where are all the girlfriends?” I asked. Harry pouted at me. “And boyfriend.....” A smile spread across his face.

“Josh has family stuff to do today so he said he would meet up with us later.” He sighed happily.

“So he IS your boyfriend then?” Louis asked. A deep red blush spread across Harry's cheeks as he nodded.

“Do my eyes deceive me? Or am I actually seeing Harry Edward Styles blush.” Liam teased. Harry's hands immediately went up to cover his crimson face and I wrapped an arm around him. The boys all burst into a fit of laughter, so Harry buried his face into my neck.

“It's OK Harry. Pay no attention to the mean little boys.” I cooed. I felt him shake with laughter against me.


“Is Josh still your boyfriend?” I asked. Harry sucked his bottom lip in between his teeth and chewed it nervously as his eyebrows furrowed. “Um, I'm sorry. You don't have to talk about it.”

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