Chapter 15- Broken

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Niall's POV

Flashing lights. Sirens. Paramedics. The constant ringing of my phone. Harry and Liam dragging me out of the street. Tears. A silent car ride. It all passed in such a blur and before I knew what was happening it was 2 hours later, I hadn't stopped crying and I had a doctor slammed up against a wall in the hospital, screaming at him through my tears, desperately trying to get to the only thing in my life that has ever mattered. Stella.

“NIALL STOP IT!” Harry screamed as he ripped my hands away from the terrified mans throat. He pulled me tight against his body and I broke down again.

“I can't.... I can't do this! I can't lose her!” I sobbed into his chest. I heard Liam apologizing profusely to the doctor I had just assaulted. God bless that boy. Harry ran his slim fingers through my hair soothingly.

“Shh Ni. It's gonna be alright. I promise Niall everything is going to be OK. Just listen to the doctor OK. We'll never know anything unless we listen, OK babe?” he whispered softly into my ear. I nodded and turned back towards the doctor, who, despite the position I had had him in just minutes prior, looked at me with the most sympathetic eyes.

“I'm s-s-so sorry.” I told him sincerely but he only nodded understandingly.

“It's quite alright son. Can't say it's the first time it's happened.” he placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder before looking around at all of us and clearing his throat. “Right, so, Ms. Jones made it through surgery and is currently stable. We will be monitoring her throughout the night and over the next few weeks. She suffered some cracked ribs, a broken foot, some cuts and scratches and massive internal bleeding, but aside from that, her physical injuries are minor. She is, however, in a coma. Unfortunately, we're unsure at this time if and when she will wake up. I cannot let any of you see her right now as none of you are immediate family. We have contacted her father and he should be here within the hour as he was out of the country when the accident occurred. However, once he arrives and has a chance to speak to us, as long as he gives his consent, you will be allowed to visit. We will, however, keep you updated on her condition. Now, I should be getting back to her room. We're running some tests on her just to make sure everything else is normal and we will be doing some brain scans to make sure that there are no injuries or swelling. It's possible that this coma could be caused by shock and as her body heals she may wake up, but as I said, we're still uncertain. You boys are more than welcome to stay in the waiting room until we have everything worked out with her father. There is a coffee and tea cart just down the hall and a food court on the first floor, as well as vending machines right around the corner.” he told us. I let all the information sink in. She was alive. I hadn't lost her. And I was going to be optimistic. She WILL wake up. She WILL come home to me. And we'll be together, forever. Happily ever after. Just me and Stella, my princess. It just had to be so.

“Well, I'm going to head down to the food court and call Danielle, would anyone like to join me?” Liam asked from behind me. I shook my head. I would not leave this waiting area. I would be right here, in this spot when her father came in. I would be the first one to see her after he gave his consent. I. Would. Not. Move.

“I'll come with you, mate. Should probably give Perrie a call. She'll want to know what's going on.” Zayn told him, standing up to follow him to the elevator.

“Nialler, Lou, would you like me to fetch you both some tea?” Harry asked us softly. It was the first time since we'd been at the hospital that I had heard Louis' name mentioned, and I suddenly became painfully aware of his presence, sitting in the seat right across from where I was standing. He didn't move or knowledge Harry's question.

“Um... Haz, could you give us a second.” I could barely recognize my own voice. It was so rough and deep from crying. Harry nodded at me and walked towards the lift, probably heading down to the food court to meet Li and Zayn. I moved to the seat next to Lou and before I could even open my mouth to say a word, his arms wrapped around me and he had pulled me tightly into his chest. He didn't say a word, But I knew that this was hard for him too. He had grown so close to Stella, as close as I was, just in a different way. They were like family to each other and after everything that's happened to Louis, losing his sisters and everything with El, I knew that if he'd lost Stella too it would have been too much.

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