Alfred robot?

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"We have to test him." Jason hissed quietly, trying his best not to be too loud. 

Him and his three brothers were in a secret passageway under the stairs. Alfred could be around the corner for all they knew.

" I agree, he must have meta powers. " Tim nodded along with the Scenario.

"And how old is he?! He has to be immortal." Dick added. 

" I believe Pennyworth is at least 70 years of age. " Damian estemated. 

 "I am not old enough not to know when certain young lads are speaking my name." A slightly peeved voice sounded from the darkness behind them. Dick squeaked and hopped back in Jason's lap, who slowly looked behind him.

 Damian covered the scare with a poker face and Tim looked like he was about to faint. Alfred was dusting the walls. 

Dusting. The. Walls.

"I happend to be dusting the chambers. And I stumbled across this... meeting." Alfred explained.

 The boys were still pretty freaked out. They rushed walked to Dicks room, settling themselves on the floor or his bed. After a full ten minuets, Jason spoke. "You see, he's always there at the right times!" he waved his hands in the air to prove his point.

 "That can be a coincedence? " Dick said, unsure.

"Yeah." Tim mummered. " A coincedence. "  

Damian got up from the floor. "I simply believe that Pennyworth is spying on us." 

 "But wouldn't we know? I mean, we're all trained by Batman. " Tim frowned. 

Dick shook his head furiously "he was also trained by the bat."

Then Bruce chuckled from the doorway, frightening his wards.

"Whats so funny? " Jason growled.

 "Alfred wasn't just trained by the bat, he is better than the bat." Bruce's four sons gave him astonished looks. 

"N-no way. " Tim stuttered, awestruck.

 "I do not believe that is correct, why are you feeding us false information Father?" Damian denied.

 "Well, if he's that good, then why isn't he batman? " Jason pointed out. 

 "Beacuse, master Jason. I don't have as good of bones as I used to." Alfred stated, exiting the closet.

"How long have you been there? " Dick gwaked. 

"The whole time" Alfred left the room.

 "What is he? " Tim could only watch as their butler left the room. 

"I have no idea." Bruce sighed. 

~Later that night~

 "He could be a robot." Dick suggested.

 "Oh my gosh! He is! We have to prove it though." Tim yelled in a hushed voice. 

"The old man is in the Kitchen. " Jason informed. "Lets go."

 "I shall not contribute in such trival matters. " Damian huffed. 

"Come on demon, Your coming." Jason grabbed Damian's wrist, and dragged him out the room. They all sat in the living room, watching through a camera in the Kitchen from Tims laptop. 

 The man was cooking like usual Dick was about to call the mission off, until something happened. Spaghetti sauce was splattered all over the camera. Blocking the view. 

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