CHAPTER 21 : You're Not Worthy

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Aoi, Camilla, and the others return to Galaxy Starlight's hangar. Naoto and Hikari approaches Aoi as they're curious about what happened to Miyu.

Naoto: "Kiriya, where's Iris err I mean Nijiyama? We suddenly lost her signal during the battle."

Aoi: "Bad news, Suzukawa-san, Hikari. Miyu-chan was abducted."

Hikari: "What?! How?"

Aoi: "Seira apparently led me into a trap. For whatever reason, she seemed to know about Miyu-chan's weakness after using Trans-Am. She provoked Miyu-chan to activate Trans-Am, and she managed to outlast our attacks until we ran out of Trans-Am duration. At that point, a new, unknown Mobile Suit managed to sneak behind me and seized Miyu-chan from the backpack, then escaped with her."

Hikari: "That is nuts. How did she knew about that?"

Naoto: "I bet she's omniscient."

Camilla: "And probably omnipotent."

Yurika: "After all, she is very close of being a God."

Aoi: "And, oh, the new Mobile Suit that abducted Miyu-chan looked like those Seiraphs, but it has a big backpack with grappling arms."

Naoto: "That must be a variant of Raphael Gundam. And, yes, Raphael is the name of an angel."

Camilla: "Another one with names derived from angels... Seira, you angelic bastard."

Hikari: "Where are they taking her? DreAca?"

Aoi: "I have no idea. I doubt they took Miyu-chan to DreAca. They must have taken her somewhere else."

Camilla: "I bet they went to the place where the cultists are hiding."

Aoi: "Now that you mention it, Seira does have her own followers. Cultists, I should say. And like you said, they must've taken Miyu-chan to the cultists' hideout."

Ran: "Nuts. The problem is, we don't know where they're hiding now."

Aoi: "KING_KongSan probably knows."

Hikari: "KongSan? What is that?"

Aoi: "An underground organization that helped the formation of WM, Mizuki and Mikuru's unit. The photo of Seiraphs that Mikuru gave me before came from that organization, too."

Camilla: "Then we should ask Mizuki. Who knows if she can tell us the location of those cultists' base."

Aoi: "Okay. I'll try and contact her, since I was able to get her contact number back when I last met her. But, let me do it on my mansion, however."

Aoi then returns to her mansion to try and contact Mizuki.


At the hangar of the Church of Seira Yamato, Miyu is dropped down by the Ralph Seiravee that took her. Down there, she is faced by Seira, who just got out of her Gundam.

Miyu: "You...!"

Seira: "Nijiyama Miyu, I presume. Or, should I call you Iris?"

Miyu: "Even you know my other name."

Seira: "Not only God knows your name, God also knows your origin as one of Starlight Queen's biggest fans."

Miyu: "Your God is definitely omniscient. No wonder you were able to exploit my weakness."

Seira: "In fact, I was just lucky that my guess was correct."

Miyu: "I'm sure I'm not hearing things."

[Gunkatsu] Aikatsu ∀0 Season 01 ~Harmonics KIRIYA~Where stories live. Discover now