CHAPTER 25 : Cry of Vengeance

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Ichigo and Seira are finally united as 2wingS in a holy sacrament that binds the two. They will fulfill each other's destiny by surpassing Mizuki and Mikuru's WM. Everyone from DreAca and the Church of Jesus Yamato are happy to see the two gets united together with the help of Kira Yamato Himself. The cultists have begun broadcasting their success everywhere, which prompts the remainder of Seira's followers from all over Japan to start their movement. They begin corrupting people around their vicinity to bolster their forces and also eliminating anyone who dares to directly oppose them, including several Starlight Academy followers.

Two day later, Galaxy Starlight has headed back to its original location, while Nakimoto's warship returns to its main base close to Mizuki's Moonlight Office. Every single Starlight idols are heavily demoralized after the betrayal of Ichigo, especially when they realized that Kira was directly responsible for her betrayal. The remnants of STAR☆ANIS falls into depression with Aoi, Miyu, and Camilla trying their hardest to stay positive, albeit nigh-impossible.

In Orihime's office...

Orihime shuts down the monitor that displayed the broadcast of 2wingS.

Orihime: "This is absolute madness..."

Johnny: "I just couldn't believe this would happen... Jesus Yamato Himself came and helped Starmiya run away from us and finally completed her union with Otoshiro..."

Orihime: "Neither do I, Johnny-sensei. Now, Otoshiro must have completed her phase of becoming a demigod. One more phase, and she'll fully reach her godhood."

Johnny: "We are at a serious disadvantage right now. Now that 2wingS has been completed, and our honeys are losing their will to fight, I'm afraid that they will come at us once again with their much-higher battle strength."

Orihime: "Not to mention, their God was truly behind Hoshimiya's defection, assisted by many of His followers, including Amahane Asuka from Angely Sugar of all people."

Johnny: "Can we even fight back? Y'know, with KongSan's help?"

Orihime: "With their current condition, I'm afraid we won't be able to..."

In the Moonlight Office, WM is informed about the completion of 2wingS.

Mizuki: "So... Hoshimiya has fallen into Otoshiro's grasp... No, it was in fact Kira's doing, not Otoshiro's..."

Mikuru: "Jesus Yamato Himself... did that... Then, what are we going to do, Mizuki?"

Mizuki: "We can't afford to be pessimistic at a time like this. We need to arrange a plan for us to free Hoshimiya from Otoshiro's grasp. As I said before, Hoshimiya's one and only true ultimate partner is Kiriya, not Otoshiro, not anyone else."

Mikuru: "I know. But, as for staying positive, I wish I could say the same for the Starlight idols... Most especially Soleil, the ones who suffered the heaviest blow..."

Mizuki: "If they aren't able to rise back up, I'm afraid they-- no, every single idols out there will be finished, even including us."


At Mizuki's usual spot, Aoi is sitting all alone, still being heavily depressed and angered because of Ichigo's defection.

Aoi: "Kira Yamato, also known as Jesus Yamato, the one believed to be the God of Seira's followers... But, why...? Why would He meddle in our idol world? Why should he make us suffer? Is Seira truly His Hallowed Child? No, that isn't possible! We can't possibly welcome any gods in this idol world!"

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