FINALE : stranger alien

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Tranz-AM with their Azuratron is facing 2wingS with their Merkava, both are completely prepared and ready for their final confrontation against each other to determine the future of the idol world. Either the idol world will be freed from an enermous twisted distortion that is Kira Yamato's godly influence while also freeing Ichigo from Seira's corruption, or DreAca and the cultists will completely take over the idol world in the name of their God, thus bringing doom to Starlight Academy.

Camilla: "This is it, Seira. This time, you don't come back."

Seira: "As long as God is here, I will live, and I will fulfill my destiny together with Ichigo."

Aoi: "No, fulfilling your destiny means plunging our Aikatsu into oblivion. So, we're here to stop you from doing that at all costs!"

Miyu: "And we'll bring you back to Starlight Academy, Hoshimiya-senpai! Soleil must be revitalized for everyone's sake!"

Ichigo: "Enough of this! Why won't you understand?"

Aoi: "I understand fully, that you're bringing ruin instead of balance with that damned Unit of yours! In this idol world, there is no God! And we will prove it to you!"

Seira: "That's it for your never-ending heresy, Starlight Queen!"

Merkava deploys its DRAGOONs again. Azuratron flies around trying to dodge their shots, while at the same time firing its side beam turrets to shot down some of the pods. Then, Azuratron fires its main cannons right at Merkava. The Merkava retaliates by firing its own cannons, resulting on their shots cancelling each other out. The exchange of main cannon shots happens for three more times until Azuratron decides to close in and tries to attack Merkava with its giant sword. Suddenly, Merkava reveals its hidden arms that have giant beam sabers on them, and parries Azuratron's attack.

Miyu: "They have hidden arms?!"

Aoi: "I knew they have some surprises that we aren't aware of. We must stay cautious."

Azuratron begins clashing its giant swords against Merkava's giant beam sabers.


Meanwhile, WM are on their way to assist Tranz-AM according to Aoi's plan. However, Mikuru sees Kii attacking several of Starlight's ReZELs.

Mikuru: "Mizuki, I gotta help those ReZELs."

Mizuki: "What? Are you going to be okay?"

Mikuru: "Well, that's the plan. We cannot fight together against 2wingS, or else it will fulfill their destiny, granting Seira her much-needed godhood. If that happens, I'm afraid that not even you will be able to beat her."

Mizuki: "But..."

Mikuru: "Hey, you're the Top Idol, right? As long as Seira is still a demigod, and also with Aoi's help, I'm sure you can overcome her."

Mizuki: "Fine, I understand. Take care."

Mizuki flies straight ahead, alone. Mikuru approaches Kii while firing her shoulder-mounted wing beam cannons.

Kii: "What the?!"

Kii dodges Mikuru's shots, then deploys her four DRAGOON pods to attack Mikuru with. Mikuru dodges with swift maneuvers, closes in, and clashes against Kii.

Starlight pilot: "Natsuki Mikuru, right? We appreciate your assistance."

Mikuru: "Worry not, I can handle her."

[Gunkatsu] Aikatsu ∀0 Season 01 ~Harmonics KIRIYA~Where stories live. Discover now